[comp.lang.c++] g++ 1.22.2 and gdb+ 2.5.4 diffs available

dl@ROCKY.OSWEGO.EDU (Doug Lea) (07/08/88)

************* forwarded on behalf of Michael Tiemann ***************

Compressed diffs for GNU C++ 1.22.2 are now available on
prep.ai.mit.edu in the file /u2/emacs/g++.diffs-1.22.1-1.22.2.Z
Compressed diffs for GDB+ 2.5.4 are also available in the file
/u2/emacs/gdb+.diffs-2.5.3-2.5.4. The files are 46K and 12K respectively.

Except for two bugs, one which is due to C++'s non-LALR syntax, one
which concerns keeping consts constant (AT&T punts on this one also),
all reported bugs have been fixed.  This release will be the last
release until version 1.24.0 comes out.  There is a reasonable
probability that version 1.24.0 will also work on the Sun 4 under
SunOS 4.0.

Please direct questions to info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu,
bugs to bug-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu, and comments to
tiemann@corto.inria.fr (or tiemann@wheaties.ai.mit.edu if your mailer
doesn't affix international postage).


*************** End of forwarded message ****************

If there is sufficient demand, a full release, (not just diffs) can be
posted. Write to dl@rocky.oswego.edu.

libg++ 1.22.2 will be out within 2 days, after I double check that
everything is OK under g++ 1.22.2. Compilation of older versions of
libg++ will encounter several error messages on g++ 1.22.2 because of
improved `friend' typechecking.
