[comp.lang.c++] Zortech & library source.

srinivas@ut-sally.UUCP (Srini Sankaran) (07/12/88)

A few days ago someone said that he did not get the "Full library
source for over 400 library functions" from Zortech along with their
$100 C++ compiler, although they mentioned it in their mailings. The
same thing happened to me and so I called Zortech. They said that they
made a mistake in some of their mailings and that the source code
costs $49.95.

To compensate for their mistake, they offered to ship the source code
overnight, if I buy it for $49.95.


joseph@chromo.ucsc.edu (Joseph Reger) (07/12/88)

Don't you beleive it (that they goofed). I _talked_ to them on the phone
_before_ they mailed out literature on the product, and I was _told_
that the source code is included. So they _changed_their_mind_ in the 
meantime. I do not understand why Zortech can not admit this, since
the price is still very hard to beat. (By the way, the library source
from Borland costs $150!).

Please, please post impressions and opinions on this product!

-	Joseph,		joseph@chromo.ucsc.edu

srinivas@ut-sally.UUCP (07/12/88)

In article <12358@ut-sally.UUCP>, I wrote,

> A few days ago someone said that he did not get the "Full library
> source for over 400 library functions" from Zortech along with their
> $100 C++ compiler, although they mentioned it in their mailings. The
> same thing happened to me and so I called Zortech. They said that they
> made a mistake in some of their mailings and that the source code
> costs $49.95.

Then joseph@chromo.ucsc.edu said,
> meantime. I do not understand why Zortech can not admit this, since
> the price is still very hard to beat. (By the way, the library source
> from Borland costs $150!).

Well, I got a call from Zortech sales manager this morning. He said
that he was going to mail me a free copy of the library source code.

Needless to say, I very much appreciate their offer.
Thanks Zortech!
