[comp.lang.c++] First look at Zortech C++

bob@imspw6.UUCP (Bob Burch) (07/09/88)

To Walter Bright who apparently follows this newsgroup, congratulations
on a magnificent job.  The compiler appears a little faster than Turbo C
and compiles several pieces of code which I regard as "hard" tests, 
Berkeley style stuff which PC compilers other than Borland's and Lattice's
generally break on, easily.  Major C++ features which I have
tested work.

I have noticed a couple of minor glitches which I am told will be repaired
free-of-charge after about 4 weeks when most such items are known.  Stream
output (cout) works on my computer at home but not on Govt. computers
(Zenith 248s & Sperry IT's) at work, a piece of the resident help utility
occasionally gets left in the ruler line of the zed editor, and the XOR
write mode for circles of the flash-graphics package included (or possibly
my understanding of same) is lacking something.  Compared to most 1.0
releases of software, a pretty short list.

Ted Holden

stergios@athsys.uucp (Stergios Marinopoulos) (07/10/88)

So when is Zortech coming out for Suns?????

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (07/12/88)

In article <156@cyclopes.UUCP> stergios@athsys.UUCP (Stergios Marinopoulos) writes:
<So when is Zortech coming out for Suns?????

Whenever I write a 68k code generator (not likely soon)!!

shardy@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA (Steve Hardy) (07/12/88)

Walter Bright's Zortech C++ compiler sounds great.  Can anyone
tell me how to get a copy?  Can this or any other C++ compiler be
used to write programs that run under Microsoft Windows?  Does
anyone have experience in using C++ to generate Windows programs?
Is C++ a good choice of language for this?  What's the ideal PC
configuration for writing C or C++ code that must run under
Windows?  Would anyone recommend getting a PS/2 Model 70 with the
larger 8514 monitor?  You can e-mail repsonses to me and I'll
summarize to the net.

Steve Hardy, Teknowledge Inc., Phone 415-424-0500, SHARDY@TEKNOWLEDGE.ARPA

bright@dataio.UUCP (07/13/88)

In article <23725@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA> shardy@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA (Steve Hardy) writes:
<Walter Bright's Zortech C++ compiler sounds great.  Can anyone
<tell me how to get a copy?
	Call 800-848-8408
<  Can this or any other C++ compiler be
<used to write programs that run under Microsoft Windows?
	Zortech C++ does not work with Microsoft Windows. I plan to soon
	make Zortech C and C++ OS/2 and PM compatible, but have no
	current plans to support Windows. 
<What's the ideal PC
<configuration for writing C or C++ code that must run under
	386 processor for speed, >= 80 megabytes of disk because the
	Windows SDK is huge.

psmah@pbhyf.PacBell.COM (Paul S. Mahler) (07/13/88)

 <  Can this or any other C++ compiler be
 <used to write programs that run under Microsoft Windows?
 	Zortech C++ does not work with Microsoft Windows. I plan to soon
 	make Zortech C and C++ OS/2 and PM compatible, but have no
 	current plans to support Windows. 
If you really need to write a window that uses microsoft windows
you might have a look at a product called "Actor."  I have
been going round-and-round on this issue myself.  I have a small
application that I am building and have been trying to decide
between actor and c++.  I prefer c++ as a language for a variety
of reasons, but ACTOR has a lot of microsoft windows smarts
built in.  If you really need to use windows, actor is worth
looking at.

I am just an actor user, I'm not involved with them any other way.

Paul Mahler