[comp.lang.c++] error reporting

baud@gt-eedsp.UUCP (Kurt Baudendistel) (07/13/88)

in an implementation of a numeric class such as stroustrup's `tiny'
class, it would be nice for program development purposes to report
the line number and file name where errors such as the `tiny range
error' occur, rather than just that message.

i can get some information from the __LINE__ and __FILE__ macros,
but these provide information only at the preprocessor level.  to
get such error reporting, i think that i need access to this type 
of information during actual compilation.

how can i do this?


Kurt Baudendistel [GRA McClellan]
Georgia Tech, School of Electrical Engineering, Atlanta, GA  30332
USENET: ...!{allegra,hplabs,ihnp4,ulysses}!gatech!gt-eedsp!$me
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