[comp.lang.c++] Graphical interfaces for C++

robert@aragorn.cm.deakin.OZ (Robert Ruge) (07/20/88)

Hello folks. I am after any information on graphical interfaces
(toolboxes) for C++. Public domain or commercial, for any
machines at all (preferably Unix). Any information on cost,
availability, machine requirements, C++ versions, etc.
Thanks in advance.

Robert Ruge	  | UUCP:   {uunet,mcvax,ukc,ubc-cs
Computing/Maths	  |          nttlab}!munnari!aragorn.oz!robert
Deakin University | ARPA:   munnari!aragorn.oz!robert@uunet.uu.net
Victoria, 3217	  | CSNET:  robert@aragorn.oz
Australia	  | ACSNET: robert@aragorn.oz  PHONE:  +61 52 471319

Robert Ruge					    robert@aragorn

jch@apollo.uucp (Jan Hardenbergh) (07/22/88)

> From: robert@aragorn.cm.deakin.OZ (Robert Ruge)

 Asks for graphical interfaces in c++. I imagine you
are looking for graphical objects and not just interfaces
that are callable from c++. Assuming that, you have touched
and interest of mine. A few months ago

> From: malony@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu  -- Allen Malony

asked for graphical objects in c++. The best response was 

> From: calder@Shasta.STANFORD.EDU (Paul Calder)
> You might like to have a look at InterViews, a C++ user interface...

> You can get InterViews several ways

    1.	From the X Window System (X11R2) tape, in the 'contrib' directory

    2.	Via anonymous ftp from lurch.stanford.edu (

	You can get the binaries (choose your machine and X version) or
	the sources.  There are also PostScript versions of a couple of
	papers there.  Manual pages are in with the source files.

    3.	By sending a stamped, self-addressed tape (Sun, TK50, or 1/2") to

	    Prof. Mark Linton
	    CIS 213
	    Stanford University
	    Stanford, CA 94305

	You will get a hardcopy of the documentation, too.

    4.	From the C++ USENIX distribution tape (does anyone know if this
	has been released yet?)

My question is a repeat of the last one. I would also like to hear
about other families of c++ graphics objects. I know PPI has some
graphics & UI objects in objective C - are those in c++, too?

Jan Hardenbergh                                       Apollo Computer
jch@apollo.com           {mit-eddie,decwrl!decvax,attunix}!apollo!jch

robert@aragorn.cm.deakin.OZ (Robert Ruge) (07/28/88)

In article <6855@charlie.OZ> robert@aragorn.OZ (Robert Ruge) writes:
>Hello folks. I am after any information on graphical interfaces
>(toolboxes) for C++. Public domain or commercial, for any
>machines at all (preferably Unix). Any information on cost,
>availability, machine requirements, C++ versions, etc.

Well thanks to all those people who replied to my question.
The majority of responses were to look at the InterViews package
that comes on the X distribution tapes. I will look at this as
soon as I get X11 for our Apollo. However, there were a couple of
other responses which I will include below.
From: Dag Bruck <dag@Control.LTH.Se@munnari.oz>
Subject: Re:  Graphical interfaces for C++

We have a Silicon Graphics IRIS workstation with C++, the IRIS Graphics
Library, and a PHIGS implementation (FIGARO from Template Graphics).

You can have C++ interfaces to IRIS GL and FIGARO, if you want. Note:
the FIGARO interface lacks declarations of most inquiry routines.

Department of Automatic Control		Internet:  dag@control.lth.se
Lund Institute of Technology		UUCP:   ...!enea!control.lth.se!dag
P. O. Box 118
S-221 00 Lund, SWEDEN			Phone:	+46 46-108779
This stolen from another news item:
In article <3631@pbhyf.PacBell.COM> psmah@pbhyf.PacBell.COM (Paul S. Mahler) writes:
> <  Can this or any other C++ compiler be
> <used to write programs that run under Microsoft Windows?

Yes! Glockenspiel's designer C++ is fully compatible with Microsoft C and
Windows, and can be used for direct Windows development.

> 	Zortech C++ does not work with Microsoft Windows. I plan to soon
> 	make Zortech C and C++ OS/2 and PM compatible, but have no
> 	current plans to support Windows. 

Glockenspiel's CommonView class library also offers an Object-Oriented
framework for Windows development and is currently on Beta release for
Microsoft Windows 2.03. This provides a generic Object-Oriented environment for
developing windowing software in C++, and will be available later for X11 and

The best person to contact if you want to find out more about this is

	Peter Maxwell,
	Product Manager,
	Glockenspiel Ltd.,
	19 Belvedere Place,
	Dublin 1,

	Tel: +353 +1 364515
From: mcvax!iesd!fischer@munnari.oz (Lars P. Fischer)

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "graphical interfaces (tool-
boxes)". If what you are after is a toolkit for a window system, with
classes for window, dialog boxes, menus etc, as well as functions for
putting graphics, both bitmaps and objects, into windows, take a look
at InterViews for The X Window System. InterViews is a really nice
system, providing all the basic functionality for handling a window-
and mouse graphics interface. It's completely in C++, and it shields
you from X, so that you have to deal with InterViews only.  InterViews
is, as all of X, in the Public Domain. You can get from MIT, from the
Free Software Foundation, and possibly many other sources. X runs on
Suns, Apollos, HP's, IBM PC/RT's, microVaxen etc.  etc. There are
rumors of a port of InterViews to NeWS, but I don't know if it's for

If what you are looking for is a graphical environment for C++
programming, with browsers, specialized editors etc. etc. a.la.
Smalltalk-80, very little is available. HP has some funky tools for
Objective-C, but I don't know if they have ported them to C++ and if
they are available outside HP. This is an area where lots of work is

Lars Fischer,  fischer@iesd.dk, {...}!mcvax!diku!iesd!fischer
Who put these fingerprints on my imagination? -- E. Costello.

So it appears that if you have X you can create graphical interfaces
to your code. If want you want is a Smalltalk like environment
(which is ideally what we would like) then you are out of luck for
the moment. Probably a good subject for a Masters Thesis - anyone.
Well thanks again to those who replied.

Robert Ruge					    robert@aragorn