[comp.lang.c++] Up to date list of publications by Bjarne Stroustrup on C++

spier@yellowstone.steinmetz (kevin l spier) (07/25/88)

	I'd appreciate it if someone could send me an up to date
list of publications by Bjarne Stroustrup on C++. I am especially
interested on any papers concerning multiple-inheritance.

Kevin L. Spier

dmg@ssc-vax.UUCP (David Geary) (07/27/88)

In article <11631@steinmetz.ge.com>, spier@yellowstone.steinmetz (kevin l spier) writes:
> 	I'd appreciate it if someone could send me an up to date
> list of publications by Bjarne Stroustrup on C++. I am especially
> interested on any papers concerning multiple-inheritance.

  Me, too.  In fact, probably everybody that reads this newsgroup
  would say "Me, too".  Please post if you have the info.

~ David Geary, Boeing Aerospace,               ~ 

ie@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu (Ivar Elznic) (07/28/88)

In article <11631@steinmetz.ge.com> spierk@turing.cs.rpi.edu writes:
>	I'd appreciate it if someone could send me an up to date
>list of publications by Bjarne Stroustrup on C++. I am especially

I was going to say: "Me too, please."  Yet I've a better idea.   Would 
someone who has the complete list kindly post it?  

Would it be presumptuous of me to ask the Doctor himself to post it?

Thank you.


Ivar von Elsnitz

reggie@pdn.UUCP (George W. Leach) (07/29/88)

In article <1988Jul27.235333.5933@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu>, ie@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu (Ivar Elznic) writes:
> In article <11631@steinmetz.ge.com> spierk@turing.cs.rpi.edu writes:
> >	I'd appreciate it if someone could send me an up to date
> >list of publications by Bjarne Stroustrup on C++. I am especially
> I was going to say: "Me too, please."  Yet I've a better idea.   Would 
> someone who has the complete list kindly post it?  

      This is as complete as I am aware of.  However, I have not seen an
issue of Software-Practice and Experience in over a year.  It is one of
the favorites for the Murray Hill crowd to publish in.  Well, if anyone
has any additions, corrections, etc...  I'm sure we shall hear about them.

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T Classes: An Abstract Data Type Facility for the C Language
%R Computer Science Technical Report No. 84
%I AT&T Bell Laboratories
%C Murray Hill, NJ
%D April 3, 1980
%X No longer available from AT&T BTL

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T A Set of C++ Classes for Co-routine Style Programming
%R Computer Science Technical Report No. 90
%I AT&T Bell Laboratories
%C Murray Hill, NJ
%D Revised November 1, 1984
%X Also available in the C++ Translator Technical Papers collection
%X from AT&T to attendees of OOPSLA'87

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T The C++ Programming Language - Reference Manual
%R Computer Science Technical Report No. 108
%I AT&T Bell Laboratories
%C Murray Hill, NJ
%D Revised November 1, 1984

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T Adding Classes to C: An Exercise in Language Evolution
%J Software-Practice and Experience
%V 13
%D 1983
%P 139-161

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T Data Abstraction in C
%R Computer Science Technical Report No. 109
%I AT&T Bell Laboratories
%C Murray Hill, NJ
%D January 1, 1984
%X Also published in
%J AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal
%V 63
%N 8, Part 2
%D October, 1984
%P 1701-1732

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T A C++ Tutorial
%R Computer Science Technical Report No. 113
%I AT&T Bell Laboratories
%C Murray Hill, NJ
%D September 10, 1984

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T An Extensible I/O Facility for C++
%J Proceedings of the 1985 Summer USENIX Conference
%C Portland, OR
%D June 11-14, 1985
%P 57-70

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%B The C++ Programming Language
%I Addison-Wesley
%D 1986

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T An Overview of C++
%E Richard L. Wexelblat
%V 21
%N 10
%D October, 1986
%P 7-18
%X Also available in the C++ Translator Technical Papers collection
%X from AT&T to attendees of OOPSLA'87

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T Multiple Inheritance for C++
%J Proceedings of the Spring'87 EUUG Conference
%C Helsinki
%D May, 1987
%X Also available in the C++ Translator Technical Papers collection
%X from AT&T to attendees of OOPSLA'87

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T What is "Object-Oriented Programming"?
%J Proceedings of the First European Conference on Object Oriented Programming
%C Paris
%I Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%V 276
%D June, 1987
%P 51-70
%X Also published in
%J Proceedings of the USENIX C++ Workshop
%E Keith Gorlen
%C Santa Fe, NM
%D November 9-10, 1987
%P 159-180
%X Also published in
%J IEEE Software
%V 5
%N 3
%D May, 1988
%P 10-20
%X Also available in the C++ Translator Technical Papers collection
%X from AT&T to attendees of OOPSLA'87

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T The Evolution of C++ 1985 to 1987
%J Proceedings of the USENIX C++ Workshop
%E Keith Gorlen
%C Santa Fe, NM
%D November 9-10, 1987
%P 1-21

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%T Possible Directions for C++
%J Proceedings of the USENIX C++ Workshop
%E Keith Gorlen
%C Santa Fe, NM
%D November 9-10, 1987
%P 399-416
%X Originally presented at the AT&T C++ users' group meeting
%X in September, 1987

%A Bjarne Stroustrup
%A Jonathan E. Shopiro
%T A Set of C++ Classes
%J Proceedings of the USENIX C++ Workshop
%E Keith Gorlen
%C Santa Fe, NM
%D November 9-10, 1987
%P 417-439
%X This is a revised version of BTL CSTR 90 to reflect changes
%X since it's publication


George W. Leach					Paradyne Corporation
..!uunet!pdn!reggie				Mail stop LF-207
Phone: (813) 530-2376				P.O. Box 2826
NOTE: codas<--->pdn will be gone soon		Largo, FL  34649-2826