[comp.lang.c++] Gorlen's OOPS and other c++ class libraries

ronen@daisy.UUCP (daisy.ronen) (07/29/88)

1) How can I get the Gorlen's OOPS ?
2) Is there any other public domain c++ class libraries available
   somewhere ?
3) If so, how one can get them too ?

Thanks everybody.

Ronen Arad
Daisy Systems
P.O Box 7006  ms A-24
Mountain View, CA 94039
(415) 960-6884

ronen@daisy.UUCP (daisy.ronen) (08/03/88)

Thanks you all for your answers !!!

I got some email requests for posting the replies to my questions.
So, I'll post the answers.

I asked:
. 1) How can I get the Gorlen's OOPS ?
. 2) Is there any other public domain c++ class libraries available
.    somewhere ?
. 3) If so, how one can get them too ?

Keith Gorlen's reply (Thu, 28 Jul 88):

.To get a copy of the "guru-only" version of OOPS, just send me a
.letter on your company or university letterhead requesting the
."Object-Oriented Program Support (OOPS) class library for C++" and a
.reel of 1/2" mag tape (a small reel will suffice).  I'll return the
.tape with a copy of OOPS recorded on it in tar format at 1600 bpi, and
.I'll include a copy of the (incomplete) OOPS reference manual.
.Please include your uucp address in the letter.
.The GNU folks also have a class library.  You can obtain it 
.via anonymous ftp from prep.ai.mit.edu.
. Keith Gorlen   phone: (301) 496-5363
. Building 12A, Room 2017  uucp: uunet!nih-csl!keith
. National Institutes of Health Internet: keith%nih-csl@ncifcrf.gov
. Bethesda, MD 20892

Mike Khaw reply:

.> 1) How can I get the Gorlen's OOPS ?
.Contact Keith Gorlen:
.	uunet!nih-csl!keith
.or buy the Oregon Software C++ compiler (it comes with the Gorlen OOPS
.> 2) Is there any other public domain c++ class libraries available
.>    somewhere ?
.> 3) If so, how one can get them too ?
.The X11 distribution contains the InterViews C++ library for doing X-ish
.things.  Either get the X11R2 distribution from one of the many uucp
.archive sites that has offered to serve as an X archive (e.g., decwrl,
.ucbvax), or contact Prof. Linton(?) at Stanford's CS or EE department,
.since his group did InterViews.
.The GNU C++ package also contains a libg++ library of C++ classes, but
.GNU code is NOT "public domain".  It is "copylefted", to use their jargon.
.The source code is freely available (for no more than a media charge at
.most), but there are restrictions on how you may use/redistribute it.
.I prefer the term "freeware" to "public domain" as it covers both public
.domain (i.e. unprotected by copyright) and GNU-like free copyrighted
.software.  Note that I don't know the copyright status of either Gorlen's
.OOPS library or of InterViews.
.Mike Khaw
.internet: mkhaw@teknowledge.arpa
.uucp:	  {uunet|sun|ucbvax|decwrl|uw-beaver}!mkhaw%teknowledge.arpa
.hardcopy: Teknowledge Inc, 1850 Embarcadero Rd, POB 10119, Palo Alto, CA 94303

 Ronen Arad
 Daisy Systems
 P.O Box 7006 ms A-24
 Mountain View, CA 94039
 (415) 960-6884