[comp.lang.c++] Looking for a few good books

zac@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Steve Elbinger) (07/21/88)

I am new to C++ and plan to use it for a project starting this fall.
Can anyone recommend some "user friendly" references?

Thanks in advance,
Steve Elbinger	


jans@tekgvs.GVS.TEK.COM (Jan Steinman) (07/27/88)

<I am new to C++ and plan to use it for a project starting this fall.  Can 
anyone recommend some "user friendly" references?>

The good news: a real good one comes from Zortech, as advertised in Byte, DDJ, 
et. al.  The bad news: it costs $99.  More good news: it comes with a full 
PC-DOS C++ compiler.

:::::: Software Productivity Technologies -- Experiment Manager Project ::::::
:::::: Jan Steinman N7JDB	Box 500, MS 50-383	(w)503/627-5881 ::::::
:::::: jans@tekcrl.TEK.COM	Beaverton, OR 97077	(h)503/657-7703 ::::::

berry@well.UUCP (John Thomas Berry) (08/10/88)

In article <10970005@hpfcdc.HP.COM> zac@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Steve Elbinger) writes:
>I am new to C++ and plan to use it for a project starting this fall.
>Can anyone recommend some "user friendly" references?

Funny you should ask.  My book about C++ entitled __C++ Programming__
(very original) just went the printer this week.  The publisher is Howard
W. Sams and it is a Waite Group book.  It should provide a good introduction
to C++ and is more of a tutorial than is Stroustrup's book.  There are
many examples, and there are chapters on both Unix and MS-DOS.

                  --John Thomas Berry--

gore@eecs.nwu.edu (Jacob Gore) (08/11/88)

/ comp.lang.c++ / berry@well.UUCP (John Thomas Berry) / Aug  9, 1988 /

>There are many examples, and there are chapters on both Unix and MS-DOS.

	"Oh, we play BOTH kinds of music here -- Country AND Western!"

			-- from the movie "Blues Brothers"


Jacob Gore				Gore@EECS.NWU.Edu
Northwestern Univ., EECS Dept.		{oddjob,gargoyle,att}!nucsrl!gore

shrum@hpfcdq.HP.COM (Ken Shrum) (08/13/88)

I reviewed a previous book by Mr. Berry - "Advanced C Programming", also
published by the Waite Group - for Computing Reviews.  I found that book
to be poorly written and fraught with both typographical errors and
misstatements.  My closing comment was that I saw no reason for anyone,
novice, expert or student. to read the book.

I have not seen any copy of Mr. Berry's current work, and it may be quite
worthwhile.  ("Advanced C Programming" was targeted for novices; the new
book may be better if targeted for a different audience.)  I advise that
anyone interested in purchasing the C++ book read a reliable review first
or read the book in depth before purchase.

	Ken Shrum

berry@well.UUCP (John Thomas Berry) (08/19/88)

In article <7950001@hpfcdq.HP.COM> shrum@hpfcdq.HP.COM (Ken Shrum) writes:
>I have not seen any copy of Mr. Berry's current work, and it may be quite
>worthwhile.  ("Advanced C Programming" was targeted for novices; the new
>book may be better if targeted for a different audience.)  I advise that
>anyone interested in purchasing the C++ book read a reliable review first
>or read the book in depth before purchase.
>	Ken Shrum
>	...!hplabs!hpfcdq!shrum

I am posting rather than mailing this response because you chose to criticize me
publicly.  I promise that this will be my last public word on this subject.  
While you had every right to pan my advanced C book after having read it 
(there were problems -- notice that this book has a different  publisher), how
dare you say anything negative about a book you haven't even seen.  Usenet has
wide distribution and the power of the pen is well known.  You have abused this
power.  If you wanted to review the book, you either could have bought it when
it came out or asked for a review copy from the publisher (whom I listed in my
posting.)  Otherwise, just shut up.
              --John Thomas Berry--

burgett@steel.COM (Michael Burgett) (08/19/88)

Newsgroups: comp.lang.c++
Subject: Re: Re: Looking for a few good books
References: <6785@well.UUCP> <7950001@hpfcdq.HP.COM> <6844@well.UUCP>
Reply-To: burgett@steel.UUCP (Michael Burgett)
Organization: Adobe Systems Incorporated, Mountain View

In article <6844@well.UUCP> berry@well.UUCP (John Thomas Berry) writes:
>In article <7950001@hpfcdq.HP.COM> shrum@hpfcdq.HP.COM (Ken Shrum) writes:
>>I have not seen any copy of Mr. Berry's current work, and it may be quite
>>worthwhile.  ("Advanced C Programming" was targeted for novices; the new
>>book may be better if targeted for a different audience.)  I advise that
>>anyone interested in purchasing the C++ book read a reliable review first
>>or read the book in depth before purchase.
>While you had every right to pan my advanced C book after having read it 
>(there were problems -- notice that this book has a different  publisher), how
>dare you say anything negative about a book you haven't even seen.  Usenet has
>posting.)  Otherwise, just shut up.
>              --John Thomas Berry--

negative? negative?  the above passage doesn't sound negative, Ken states that 
he in fact hasn't read your current book, and that it in fact "may be quite
worthwhile" so where's the beef?  It seemed to me that Ken was actually 
posting a good tip for the computer book buying public, who've been bilked 
for a number of years now by greedy selfserving  authors and publishers that 
will throw anything into the bookstores just to get it on the market.  
One only has to go into a bookstore selling computer books to see the
schlock that has been foisted upon an unsuspecting public....
I'm certainly not accusing you or your publisher of these tactics, but your
reaction seemed quite harsh....  on the other hand, if the shoe fits......

	mike burgett


"my intellectual work belongs to my employer, my flames are my own..."

berry@well.UUCP (John Thomas Berry) (08/20/88)

In response to some mail which I've received regarding my last posting, I offer
a small apology and a bit of explanation concerning my reaction to what I
perceived as a posting critical of my new book.  Perhaps I overreacted  (as
my mail seems to be telling me), but the posting of a warning concerning each
book I write (he's done this before) before this fellow reads the new book
seemed to me to be a bit mean-spirited.  If it was offered as a helpful hint,
then I'm sorry, Ken.  I just wish you would communicate your feelings about
my __new__ book both to me (you have never spoken or sent E-mail to me
personally) and the net after you have looked at it.

berry@well.UUCP (John Thomas Berry) (08/20/88)

One more small note.  Please let this be the end of this -- if you must,
send me mail about it.  I'm sorry to clutter the net with these postings.
I do hope, however, that you look at and like my book.