[comp.lang.c++] Third public review of X3J11 C

brian@radio.astro.toronto.edu (Brian Glendenning) (08/28/88)

In article <1988Aug26.162706.22671@utzoo.uucp>, henry@utzoo (Henry Spencer) writes:
>It's been done, it works well, and it's readily available:  C++.
Does C++ solve the oft-mentioned problems with C for numerical work? Are
vectorizing C++ compilers available on "crunching" machines, e.g. Cray, Convex
and Alliant? (In fact, are vectorizing _C_ compilers available for the latter

Do C and C++ compilers generally give about the same level of optimization,
i.e. are C compilers much more mature than C++ compilers.
Brian Glendenning                INTERNET - brian@radio.astro.toronto.edu
Radio Astronomy, U. Toronto          UUCP - {uunet,pyramid}!utai!radio!brian
+1 (416) 978-5558                  BITNET - glendenn@utorphys.bitnet

henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) (08/28/88)

In article <1203@radio.toronto.edu> brian@radio.astro.toronto.edu (Brian Glendenning) writes:
>Does C++ solve the oft-mentioned problems with C for numerical work?

Probably not completely, although its extensibility makes it better than
C (for example, defining new kinds of numbers is simple).

>vectorizing C++ compilers available on "crunching" machines, e.g. Cray, Convex
>and Alliant? (In fact, are vectorizing _C_ compilers available for the latter

The answer is probably "not yet".  However, the same comment would apply
to any other proposed solution to the problems.  The language itself is
pretty much right; getting the implementations right is important, but
is a separate problem.

>Do C and C++ compilers generally give about the same level of optimization,
>i.e. are C compilers much more mature than C++ compilers.

Most existing C++ implementations are based on C compilers to some degree,
so they're pretty much comparable.
Intel CPUs are not defective,  |     Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
they just act that way.        | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry@zoo.toronto.edu