[comp.lang.c++] Zortech C++ / how to contact

bob@imspw6.UUCP (Bob Burch) (09/02/88)

Almost forgot:

The phone number for Zortech is 617 646-6703

They are located at:

Zortech, Inc.
366 Massachussets Ave.
Arlington, Mass. 02174

in America and 

Zortech Ltd.,
106-108 Powis Street, London
SE18 6LU, England

in England

Ted Holden

stoppani@hpcupt1.HP.COM (Peter Stoppani) (09/03/88)

Zortech also has an 'order hotline' phone number which is:


Their address is:

   Zortech Inc.
   361 Massachusetts Ave.
   Arlington, MA  02174