[comp.lang.c++] Guidelines C++ / Vermont Creative Software compatibility?

mark@intek01.UUCP (Mark McWiggins) (09/03/88)

I want to convert a C application written using Vermont Creative Software's 
Windows for Data package to C++.  But there seems to be some compatibility
problem; the "hello, world" doesn't get printed when I link in the 
window libraries like this:

	// file	main.cpp:

	#include <stream.h>
		cout << "hello, world";
	//	foo2();


		file foo2.c:

	#include <wfd.h>
	#include <wfd_glob.h>


Note that the windowing routines don't even get called.

Have you run into/solved this problem, or am I overlooking something

Thanks in advance.

Mark McWiggins			UUCP:		uunet!intek01!mark
DISCLAIMER: I could be wrong.	INTERNET:	intek01!mark@uunet.uu.net
						(206) 455-9935