[comp.lang.c++] Seeking co-routine package for c++

mfrishko@bbn.com (Michael Frishkopf) (09/03/88)

Can someone tell me how to proceed with co-routine programming
in c++?  Is any software in the public domain?

Michael Frishkopf (michael@bbn.com)
BBN Communications Corporation, Cambridge MA

.!{decvax, wjh12, ihnp4, harvard}!bbn!michael

owen@cod.NOSC.MIL (Wallace E. Owen) (09/06/88)

In article <29295@bbn.COM> mfrishko@BBN.COM () writes:
>Can someone tell me how to proceed with co-routine programming
>in c++?  Is any software in the public domain?

I'm also interested in a coroutine lib - J. Shopiro (ATT) extended the
task lib, I believe for the 68k. - Is it available from ATT?

Wallace Owen		ETA Technologies
Systems Engineer	San Diego, CA
			(619) 553-3567