[comp.lang.c++] Can you prohibit member functions from modifying *this?

scott@Apple.COM (scott douglass) (09/16/88)

If I have a class A and I have a const A* ap, should I be allowed to
invoke ap->f() which may modify *ap?

class A {
        int val;
        A() { val = 0; }
        void stab(int i) { val = i; }
	int get() { return val; }
        A a;
        a.stab(4);              // this is fine

        const A* ap = &a;
        ap->stab(5);            // this is questionable

	const A ca;
	ca.stab(6);		// this is questionable, too

CFront allows all of these, effectively ignoring the const in the cases I
marked as questionable.  It would be useful to prohibit the questionable
cases above but instead be able to delcare a member function (such as get()
above) that had its implicit this argument declared as a const pointer.  I will
even be so bold as to propose an ugly, flawed syntax which I trust someone
can improve on (please):

class A {
        int val;
        A() { val = 0; }
        void stab(int i) { val = i; }
	int get() { return val; }
        A a;
        a.stab(4);              // this is fine
	int i = a.get();	// this is fine, too

        const A* ap = &a;
        ap->stab(5);            // this is illegal
	i = ap->get();		// this is fine, too

	const A ca;
	ca.stab(6);		// this is illegal, too
	i = ca.get();		// this is fine, too
				--scott douglass
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