[comp.lang.c++] SOS in g++ 1.27

ekrell@ulysses.att.COM (09/15/88)

Does anyone know what is the -DSOS flag for cc supposed to do? I've looked
at the g++ 1.27 source and it seems to have something to do with dynamic
types or classes, maybe multiple inheritance, but I'm not sure.

shapiro@blueberry.inria.fr (Marc Shapiro) (09/16/88)

In article <8809151458.AA12656@hector.homer.nj.att.com> ekrell@ulysses.att.COM writes:
>Does anyone know what is the -DSOS flag for cc supposed to do? I've looked
>at the g++ 1.27 source and it seems to have something to do with dynamic
>types or classes, maybe multiple inheritance, but I'm not sure.

Boy, that is fast!  G++ 1.27 isn't even supposed to be out yet!

-DSOS enables an extension to C++ described in the paper by Gautron
and Shapiro in last year's Usenix C++ conference.  It adds the new
keyword ``dynamic'' which allows access to persistent and imported
objects.  The construct ``new dynamic'' instructs to import an object
from outside of the program (e.g. from disk or from another process),
along with its code, which is dynamically linked with the importer.

The construct ``dynamic class'' instructs the compiler to generate all
invocations to that class via the virtual table.  This makes dynamic
linking easier.

Here is the full reference to that paper:

      author =      "Philippe Gautron and Marc Shapiro",
      title = 	"Two extensions to {C++}: A Dynamic Link Editor and
                     Inner data",
      booktitle =   "Proceeding  and additional papers, {C++} Workshop",
      year = 	1987,
      page =        "23--34", 
      organization = 	"USENIX",
      address = 	"Berkeley, CA ({USA})",
      month = 	nov

Note: the ``Inner data'' extension described in that same paper is not
implemented in G++ 1.27.

PS.  Have you been able to make 1.27 work on a Sun?  Mine core-dumps
on some very simple files.

						Marc Shapiro

INRIA, B.P. 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France.  Tel.: +33 (1) 39-63-53-25
e-mail: shapiro@inria.inria.fr or: ...!mcvax!inria!shapiro

						Marc Shapiro

INRIA, B.P. 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France.  Tel.: +33 (1) 39-63-53-25
e-mail: shapiro@inria.inria.fr or: ...!mcvax!inria!shapiro