[comp.lang.c++] Did Zortech ever correct their second release?

maybee@pogo.GPID.TEK.COM (Joe Maybee) (09/07/88)


[With my luck I'll receive the update in the mail tomorrow....]

When I got my Zortech C++ compiler, it simply did *not* work.

It was their second (?) release, and I received it on Aug 10th or so.
When I installed it, and tried to run the sucker I got an error message
that said:

    Command line error: intermediate file compiled with version 100

The following week I gave them a call, and got ahold of someone who
simply took my name, number and address, and told me they'd get back to me.
Seems they released an old version of the phase one portion of the
compiler (ZTCPP1) with the new version of ZTC2.

Has anyone else had this problem?  Did Zortech ever get back to you on

Geez....seems they're having more than a few problems with their quality
control.....first missing include files, now this.....

Joe Maybee				    |
...tektronix!pogo!maybee   (503)-685-3572   |  When freedom is outlawed,
Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, MS 63-356   |  only outlaws will be free!
Wilsonville, OR 97070                       |

mark@intek01.UUCP (Mark McWiggins) (09/07/88)

I spoke with a Zortech representative yesterday (9/6), and he said I
should expect an update within 6 to 7 days.  I have version 1.02, which
works with "Hello, world", but otherwise has trouble with pretty simple 
examples from The Book.  I was unpleasantly surprised, but am expecting 
this to be addressed.

Mark McWiggins			UUCP:		uunet!intek01!mark
DISCLAIMER: I could be wrong.	INTERNET:	intek01!mark@uunet.uu.net
						(206) 455-9935

brevard@mcc.com (Laurence Brevard) (09/09/88)

I ordered my copy Aug.9 and received it Sep.1.  It's called 1.05 and includes
a list of all the fixes from 1.04->1.05, 1.03->1.04, etc. on disk in a README 
file.  I can post them if anyone is curious.

I've only had one problem so far:

I initially had my PATH setup as ...;\DOS;...;\ZORTECH\BIN so that ZTC 
ended up calling the MS-DOS (3.3) LINK instead of the ZORTECH [B]LINK.

This caused gross error messages about invalid options and bad library formats.

I think ZORTECH should have either (1) named their linker BLINK instead of LINK
or (2) at least mentioned in the documentation that LINK is called so watch out
for your PATH!

I think this is a fantastic VALUE.  A BIG SUPERSET of C functionality for the
price of TurboC (which I also own).

I'm moving from a Lisp Machine environment in which we used the Flavors object
system to C and Unix.  Even though I've written a LOT of assembler and, dare I
say, FORTRAN, I've been really spoiled by an object oriented environment.  While
C++ doesn't provide the environment (yet!--somebody will do it!), I find it to
be major leverage over straight C.

Plus... with Zortech, I have a C++ machine at home.  That was NEVER going to
happen with the Lisp Machines--regardless of the MacExplorer II from Apple/TI.
Laurence Brevard @ MCC VLSI CAD Program                           [512] 338-3567
P.O. Box 200195, Austin, TX 78720 or 3500 W.Balcones Center Dr., Austin,TX 78759
ARPA: Brevard@mcc.com            UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!brevard

chuck@hotlr.ATT ( C J Luciano hotld) (09/09/88)

   I believe that my copy of Zortech C++ was part of the initial distribution.
(Ver 1.0 ??) I have only just started using the C++ language in the last few
days, but I got an interesting message today. 

    I compiled a program using the overload operator (Probably incorrectly), 
and compiled it with the command 'ztc test.cpp > test.out'. The computer came 
back to the prompt, and on the first key I touched the message 'Bad File 
Allocation Table, Drive 0' appears.

    I had no small conniption (sp?) at that but I rebooted and norton said 
everything is fine. By the way I did a scan of all of there files and determined
that the message did not come from Zortech s/w. (I suspected a cruel joke)

    The compiler also seems to get hung pretty easily.

    I am considering using C++ on a PC to do real work. Does anybody have any
experience with Advantage C++ ? It's the most expensive so it must be the best!
Right? Or feel free to mention any others. I may need to link with Microsoft C
so a translator may be better than a compiler.

    Meanwhile I am not writing off Zortech yet. I'll see how they handle the 

Chuck Luciano


usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) (09/19/88)

in article <403@cadillac.CAD.MCC.COM>, brevard@mcc.com (Laurence Brevard) says:
> I initially had my PATH setup as ...;\DOS;...;\ZORTECH\BIN so that ZTC 
> ended up calling the MS-DOS (3.3) LINK instead of the ZORTECH [B]LINK.
> I think ZORTECH should have either (1) named their linker BLINK instead of LINK

They did mention it in thier documentation, at least they did
in my copy.

j       UUCP: ...pyramid!fmsrl7!eecae!ipecac!jhl

wgh@Grumpy.UUCP (William G. Hutchison) (09/20/88)

In article <345@intek01.UUCP>, mark@intek01.UUCP (Mark McWiggins) writes:
> I spoke with a Zortech representative yesterday (9/6), and he said I
> should expect an update within 6 to 7 days.  I have version 1.02, ...

 I, too, was displeased with the original release of Zortech C++.  I wasn't
sure whether they were a small outfit that had made some mistakes, or a
mail-fraud operation.  I was thinking of flaming them real good, but I 
decided to wait and see what happened (the volume of messages on Usenet
would be cut in half by following that policy!).  Also, Noel Bergman of
Philadelphia told me that Zortech and Walter Bright were good guys.
 I'm happy to report that Zortech just mailed me C++ 1.05 free of charge,
and it works fine!  I have been typing in the programming examples from
Bjarne's book, and I got up to page 108 last night: all the programs worked.
 Nice work, Walter, Bjorn, etc.  Zortech C++ looks like a winner.
Bill Hutchison, DP Consultant	rutgers!cbmvax!burdvax!Grumpy!wgh
Unisys UNIX Portation Center	"What one fool can do, another can!"
P.O. Box 500, M.S. B121		Ancient Simian Proverb, quoted by
Blue Bell, PA 19424		Sylvanus P. Thompson, in _Calculus Made Simple_