[comp.lang.c++] Don't advertise it here

bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (09/17/88)

rms at WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (Richard Stallman) writes:

 > Please don't use GNU mailing lists to discuss, advertise or ask about
 > proprietary software.
 > We set up this list for discussion of the GNU C++ compiler.  Using our
 > list to promote unfree software is working directly to interfere with
 > the GNU project--insulting, at the least.  So take those discussions
 > someplace else.

Cersorship raises its ugly head.

tower@bu-cs.BU.EDU (Leonard H. Tower Jr.) (09/23/88)

In article <8210@alice.UUCP> bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) writes:
|rms at WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (Richard Stallman) writes:
| > Please don't use GNU mailing lists to discuss, advertise or ask about
| > proprietary software.
| > 
| > We set up this list for discussion of the GNU C++ compiler.  Using our
| > list to promote unfree software is working directly to interfere with
| > the GNU project--insulting, at the least.  So take those discussions
| > someplace else.
|Cersorship raises its ugly head.

A few facts:

rms posted the above on the Internet mailing list info-g++ which is
gated one-way into comp.lang.c++

It was in response to an ad mailed to info-g++, NOT any of the
postings here on comp.lang.c++.

The charter of info-g++ states it's restricted to the discussion of
G++ and GDB+.

The one way gating was approved after a vote conducted a while back on
this newsgroup.


I think the occasional inappropriate message from info-g++ is a small
cost for comp.lang.c++ readers to pay for all the valuable messages.

Disclaimer:  	I'm an active GNUer.

Hopefully:	'nuff said.

enjoy -len

PS: info-g++ is gated both ways with the newsgroup gnu.g++.

PPS: information about the GNU Project is available from:
	Free Software Foundation
	675 Mass. Avenue
	Cambridge, MA  04139