[comp.lang.c++] The Waite Group FLAME

jans@tekgvs.GVS.TEK.COM (Jan Steinman) (09/24/88)

<I have recently started reading "The Waite Group's C++ programming"... Some of 
the examples are bugged and will never work or even compile... The book is 
incomplete and... very vague...  Why don't authors follow an accepted practice 
of actually trying to compile their examples before incuding them in the main 

Because Waite doesn't treat its authors well, and can't attract the best.  
(This is not meant as an insult to any individual author who may have published 
through Waite.)  He commissioned me to do a chapter.  I sent an outline and 
called several times for advice, but never got any feedback or style guide.  
("Read our other books", which I did, was as close as I got to instruction on 
what was wanted.)  I put about 40 hours in three days (took a Friday off from 
work, even!) into an 8000 word chapter with 6 figures and tables on deadline, 
and sent it Federal Express.  When I still hadn't heard from him two weeks 
later, I called: "Oh, I'm sorry.  It really wasn't at all what we were looking 
for."  BULLSHIT!!!

I will never buy a Waite book, and encourage potential Waite authors to proceed 
with caution!  On the other hand, I've found M&T (regardless of their other 
flaws) to be good to work for, editorially.  I got a signed contract, good 
direction, and was able to have two chapters accepted on first draft.  (Waite 
wouldn't give me a contract.  "Too close to deadline!", he said.  Poor planning 
is a better way to put it!)

:::::: Software Productivity Technologies -- Experiment Manager Project ::::::
:::::: Jan Steinman N7JDB	Box 500, MS 50-383	(w)503/627-5881 ::::::
:::::: jans@tekcrl.TEK.COM	Beaverton, OR 97077	(h)503/657-7703 ::::::