[comp.lang.c++] Prototype generation from C source

leech@alanine.cs.unc.edu (09/28/88)

    I have hacked up the 4.3 BSD lint to generate function prototypes
from C source. This is primarily as a conversion aid from C->C++, but
I can forsee other uses. If there is sufficient interest (send email,
don't post), I'll post diffs to one of the source newsgroups in a few
days. I can't post actual lint source, so this would not be useful
save to those with a source license.
    Jon Leech (leech@cs.unc.edu)    __@/
    ``Needless to say, both in the United States and in the eucaryotic
      cell, once the old immigrants are comfortably settled and their
      place in society is established, they do their best to shut the
      door to any prospective new immigrants''
	- Freeman Dyson, _Origins of Life_