[comp.lang.c++] fifo queue

wgh@Grumpy.UUCP (William G. Hutchison) (09/30/88)

In article <13711@mimsy.UUCP>, chris@mimsy.UUCP (Chris Torek) writes:
> In article <1038@amelia.nas.nasa.gov> fouts@lemming.nas.nasa.gov.nas.nasa.gov
> [is there an echo.echo here? :-) ] (Marty Fouts) writes:
> >... I can implement a fifo using an array and two integers ....
> [Fortran example deleted]
> [C example also deleted; the C version was buggy]
> >Neither of these is a good substitute for:
> >
> >Declare fifo to be a fifo of real;
> >
> >and using 'fifo = x' to add x to the end of fifo and 'x = fifo' to
> >remove x from the begining of the fifo.
> You just need to use a *real* language :-).
> C++ gets rather close.  The syntax is a bit peculiar: you will
> have to write something like
> 	fifo(float) f;	// uses a cpp macro hack to fake parameterised type
> 	f.put(x);	// add x to tail
> 	x = f.get();	// get x from head

Actually, C++ can do better than that!
You can define a class fifo which overloads operator=
with two functions overloading '=':
one with arguments (float, fifo) and the other with arguments (fifo, float).

Thus the syntax desired:

	f = x;           // this means put float x onto fifo f, and
	x = f;           // this means get float from head of f, and
                         // assign it to float x

will work exactly as you want, if you define fifo.h correctly in C++ !

You might also consider the alternative of leaving '=' as a plain
vanilla assignment operator (to avoid confusing the poor programmer
using the class!), but to overload <<  e.g.

	f << x;          // this means put float x onto fifo f, and
	x << f;          // this means get float from head of f, and
                         // assign it to float x

by analogy to cout << "i = " << i << "\n"; in stream.h.

Wow! C++ includes the good stuff from Ada (TM) and Modula-2, but
leaves out the dreck!  Bravo!
Bill Hutchison, DP Consultant	rutgers!cbmvax!burdvax!Grumpy!wgh
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