[comp.lang.c++] C++ on A/UX

tjt@tis.llnl.gov (10/06/88)

I have completed my port of cfront 1.2.1 to the mac A/UX.  The port
went as clean as usual.  My previous attempts appeared to have problems
with the amount of main memory I had in my machine (2 mb, works a lot
better with 8 mb).  The only modules requiring the -B (big symbol table
version) option are expr2.c and expr2..c.

Tim Tessin - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  
PHONE: (415) 423-4560 
ARPA:  tjt@tis.llnl.gov
UUCP:  {ames,ihnp4,lll-crg,lll-lcc,mordor}!lll-tis!tjt