[comp.lang.c++] ECOOP'89 Call for Papers

steve@cs.qmc.ac.uk (Steve Cook) (10/10/88)

                ECOOP'89 Call for Papers

3rd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
East Midlands Conference Centre, University of Nottingham
                10-14 July 1989

ECOOP'89 will be the third annual European Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming.  The conference will present the
latest research in the object-oriented paradigm, and will
provide a focus for discussion and exploration of practical
applications of object-oriented systems.  There will be one
day of tutorials and three days of presentations of invited and
refereed papers, with associated workshops and panel sessions.

The topics to be addressed at ECOOP'89 include, but are not
limited to:

        User Interfaces
        Tools and Environments

Papers are invited in the topics listed and in related areas.
Papers should describe original work or survey existing work in
a way that provides new insights.  Papers will be selected on
the basis of their originality, the significance of their
contribution to the subject, and the quality of their
presentation.  The selected papers will be published in the
proceedings of the conference.

Papers describing the results of research in Esprit-funded
projects are invited for inclusion in an Esprit session during
the conference.

Papers must be written in English and may not exceed 5000
words.  Send 5 copies of a double-spaced manuscript to the
Programme Chairman before 9th January 1989.  The first sheet of
each copy should give the title, the names of the authors, a
brief abstract and a list of keywords.  Authors will be
notified of acceptance by 6th March and final versions of
accepted papers in camera-ready form must be received by 27th

Proposals are invited for workshops, panels, demonstrations,
videos or other activities covering issues relevant to the
object-oriented paradigm.  Send a one or two-page proposal,
including the organiser's name, affiliation, address and phone
number to the Programme Chairman before 27th February 1989.

Conference Chairman:
John Florentin          Birkbeck College, London, UK.

Programme Chairman:
Steve Cook              Queen Mary College, London, UK.

Programme Committee:

Steve Cook              Queen Mary College, London, UK.
Pierre America          Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Jean Bezivin            UBO, Brest, France.
Pierre Cointe           Rank Xerox, Paris, France.
Ivar Jacobson           Objective Systems AB, Sweden.
Henry Leiberman         Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Brice Lepape            Esprit, Brussels, Belgium.
Ole Lehrmann Madsen     Aarhus University, Denmark.
Ron Morrison            St Andrews University, Scotland.
Oscar Nierstrasz        Centre Universitaire d'Informatique, Geneva.
Dave Thomas             Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Ifor Williams           Manchester University, UK.
Mario Wolczko           Manchester University, UK.
Akinori Yonezawa        Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
Stan Zdonik             Brown University, Providence, USA.

Address for Paper Submission:

Steve Cook,
Department of Computer Science,
Queen Mary College,
Mile End Road,
London E1 4NS,

Organising Committee:

John Florentin, Birkbeck College, London.
Steve Cook, Queen Mary College, London.
Richard Drake, Objective Systems Ltd.
Trevor Hopkins, Manchester University.
Roger Johnson, Birkbeck College, London.
Gillian Lovegrove, Southampton University.

General Enquiries:

Joanne Walsh,
British Informatics Society Ltd.,
13 Mansfield Street,
London W1M 0BP,
Tel  +44 1 637 0471

Steve Cook                      steve@cs.qmc.ac.uk
Dept of Computer Science
Queen Mary College, London.     01-980 4811 ext 5236