[comp.lang.c++] Announcing Eiffel language mailing list

day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) (10/11/88)

Announcing a mailing list for discussion
of the Eiffel object-oriented language
and environment.
In case you haven't heard of Eiffel, it is a strongly-typed,
Object-oriented general purpose programming language with
emphasis on compile-time checking.  It has generic types
(often caled parameterized types), multiple inheritance,
incrementally-garbage-collected automatic storage, and
exception handling.  Eiffel is a recent design, not an
extension of any previous language.  It is described in
this book:
    Object-oriented Software Construction
    by Bertrand Meyer
    Prentice Hall, 1988
    International Series in Computer Science
    ISBN 0-13-629049-3 hardcover
    ISBN 0-13-629031-0 paperback (apparently
    won't be available in the US)

To subscribe, please email the following
form including any comments you wish.

Special Instructions:

If you can, please set up an eiffel-notes alias
on your system so we can add that to our list
instead of adding individual user names.


To: eiffel-notes-request@grand.COM
Subject: new subscription

[ x ] I will indicate my choices like this with an x.
[   ] Add our address to the mailing list.
	[edit one or both of the following to reflect your address]
	  Domain address: eiffel-notes@hostname.domainlist
	  Uucp address:   uunet!...!hostname!eiffel-notes
	Initial number of users who will receive eiffel-notes
	at our site: ___
[   ] We have an Eiffel compiler.
[   ] I have read Object-oriented Software Construction by Bertrand Meyer.
[   ] I would vote for a comp.lang.eiffel newsgroup.
[   ] I would vote for a comp.lang.oop newsgroup (covering all oo languages).