[comp.lang.c++] constructor

fst@mcgp1.UUCP (Skip Tavakkolian) (10/11/88)

I need an explanation on how to verbalize (visualize) use of a constructor
as an operand to new operator.  In section 5.4.3 of ``the C++ programming
language'' [B. Stroustrup, reprint July, 1987] you'll find the following:

class set
    struct setmem
	int mem;
	setmem *next;
	setmem(int m, setmem *n) { mem=m; next=n; }
    setmem *first;
    set()	{ first = 0; }
    insert(int m)	{ first = new setmem(m, first); }
    // ...

There is no apparent return value from ``setmem'' constructor (i.e.
setmem(int, setmem*) ).  Where does the operand for new come from.
I believe this is correct, I am just trying to visualize how the compiler
interprets this.

Many Thanks
Fariborz ``Skip'' Tavakkolian
UUCP	...!uw-beaver!tikal!mcgp1!fst

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