[comp.lang.c++] C++ on Silicon Graphics workstations

ken@unicads.UUCP (Ken Garnett) (10/06/88)

Does anybody out there know if there is a version of C++ that works on
Silicon Graphics hardware (either the SGI 3000 series, or the 4-D series)??

Is SGI working on a native C++ compiler?

Do any of the independent C++ compiler/interpreter/translator vendors
support the SGI hardware (like AT&T, Oregon, or Oasys/Glockenspiel)??

Any info would be greatly appreciated !!!

   - Ken Garnett            UUCP: ...!sun!sunpeaks!unicads!ken
     Graphics Manager         or: ...!ncar!{sunpeaks|boulder}!unicads!ken
     UNICAD, Inc.
     1695 38th Street
     Boulder, Colo.  80301
     (303) 443-6961

   - Ken Garnett             UUCP: ...!sun!sunpeaks!unicads!ken
     UNICAD, Inc.              or: ...!ncar!{sunpeaks|boulder}!unicads!ken
     1695 38th Street
     Boulder, Colo.  80301         (303) 443-6961

jevans@.ucalgary.ca (David Jevans) (10/14/88)

In article <294@unicads.UUCP>, ken@unicads.UUCP (Ken Garnett) writes:
> Does anybody out there know if there is a version of C++ that works on
> Silicon Graphics hardware (either the SGI 3000 series, or the 4-D series)??

We ported the at&t c++ compiler to our iris 3020. no probs.  the thing
is pretty easily ported to any unix machine.  why not buy a copy and
port the thing?  it is simply a matter of reading the manual and answering
some questions as it prompts you (max 1 or 2 days).  once cfront is up it uses
the c compiler on the iris to generate the executable code.  no reason why it
should not be simple to port to a 4d.

Dave Jevans
	"I've travelled far and wide through many different lands.
	 What did you see there?
	 I saw the saints with their toys.
	 What did you see there?
	 I saw all knowledge destroyed."

David Jevans, U of Calgary Computer Science, Calgary AB  T2N 1N4  Canada
uucp: ...{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!jevans
David Jevans, U of Calgary Computer Science, Calgary AB  T2N 1N4  Canada
uucp: ...{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!jevans

chmilar@.ucalgary.ca (Michael Chmilar) (10/15/88)

In article <62@cs-spool.calgary.UUCP>, jevans@.ucalgary.ca (David Jevans) writes:
> In article <294@unicads.UUCP>, ken@unicads.UUCP (Ken Garnett) writes:
> > Does anybody out there know if there is a version of C++ that works on
> > Silicon Graphics hardware (either the SGI 3000 series, or the 4-D series)??
> We ported the at&t c++ compiler to our iris 3020. no probs.  the thing
> is pretty easily ported to any unix machine.  why not buy a copy and
> port the thing?  it is simply a matter of reading the manual and answering
> some questions as it prompts you (max 1 or 2 days).  once cfront is up it uses
> the c compiler on the iris to generate the executable code.  no reason why it
> should not be simple to port to a 4d.
> Dave Jevans

Dave has omitted one important point.  If you look at the C code that
cfront generates, you will see that it pre- and appends extra characters
onto your variable names.  These names can become very long if a function
name in a class is overloaded.  For example, I have an overloaded matrix
constructor for a 4x4 matrix, and the name generated is something like:


The crappy C compiler that comes with the crappy AT&T Unix only allows
variable names to be 32 characters long (at least the one that we have
does this).  Thus, the compiler blows up, eventually, on code like this.
It doesn't complain about "identifier too long" or anything like that -
it puts some version of the name in the symbol table, and then blows up
when it later tries to match it.  Probably one copy is truncated and the
other isn't.

Since AT&T puts out both C++ and the standard Unix C compiler, you would
expect them to be compatible.  Maybe this has been fixed in a newer
release than what we have - I don't know...I just don't know.

wfp@dasys1.UUCP (William Phillips) (10/16/88)

I was writing a compiler in C++ on an SGI Iris a year ago, so I can vouch
that it is feasible.  There were a few minor bugs, but we were using an
early version of cfront, not even the latest one available at that time.
I seem to recall that the reason it had not been upgraded was because it
required a fair amount of massaging before installing.  I also know that
someone at SGI is or was using C++.  Unfortunately, the name escapes me
just now.  Definitely someone with a net address, though.

Good luck.

William Phillips                 {allegra,philabs,cmcl2}!phri\
BEC Public Excess Unix           {bellcore,cmcl2}!cucard!dasys1!wfp
New York, NY, USA                !!! JUST SAY "NO" TO OS/2 !!!