[comp.lang.c++] C++ coding standards?

jimst@tekig4.TEK.COM (Jim Stanley) (10/19/88)

I would like to know if anyone has or is developing coding standards
for C++.  I have seen several for C that are designed to keep people
out of trouble, especially in large systems (lots of people, lots of
files, etc.).  I'd be interested in similar efforts for C++.  Thanks.

uucp:	    {ucbvax,decvax,ihnp4,allegra,uw-beaver}!tektronix!tekig4!jimst
US Mail:    James Stanley, Lab Instruments Engineering, Tektronix, Inc.
	    Box 500  MS 39-140, Beaverton OR 97077
Phone:	    503-627-3073, 627-3080