[comp.lang.c++] matrix types and [] overloading

skinner@saturn.ucsc.edu (Robert Skinner) (10/20/88)

(I know that this subject was discussed a few weeks ago, but I didn't
pay much attention then.  Now I need to know.  Sorry for the repetition.)

I'm constructing a general 2d Matrix object for a class I'm now taking
on matrix computations.  It would be nice if I could
overload the [] operator to allow something like a[1][2], but I
understand that is not possible.  

Another option is to overload the () operator to provide array indexing:

	virtual float	*operator()( int i, int j ) 
				{ return data + i*cols + j; }

This works, but it proliferates lots of *'s in the code, making it
less readable.  Is there something I'm missing that was explained by a 
previous poster?  Or is this the best that can be done right now.

Robert Skinner

baud@gt-eedsp.UUCP (Kurt Baudendistel) (10/20/88)

In article <5181@saturn.ucsc.edu> skinner@saturn.ucsc.edu (Robert Skinner) writes:
>I'm constructing a general 2d Matrix object for a class I'm now taking
>on matrix computations.  It would be nice if I could
>overload the [] operator to allow something like a[1][2], but I
>understand that is not possible.  

you should understand that you CAN do this if you want:

1. a is of type MATRIX.
2. define MATRIX::operator[] to return a value of type VECTOR.
3. define VECTOR::operator[] to return a value of type float.

the concept is simple. the details are tricky.

>Another option is to overload the () operator to provide array indexing:
>	virtual float	*operator()( int i, int j ) 
>				{ return data + i*cols + j; }

i don't really understand where ``all the *'s in the code'' come from,
but what you really want to do is return a reference to the value:

float& operator()( int i, int j ) 
  { return *(data + i*cols + j); }

even better, watch for the prototypable matrix class to be included soon
in the libg++ distribution (it comes with g++, but could be adapted by
someone for general c++ use).

Kurt Baudendistel [GRA McClellan]
Georgia Tech, School of Electrical Engineering, Atlanta, GA  30332
USENET: ...!{allegra,hplabs,ihnp4,ulysses}!gatech!gt-eedsp!baud
INTERNET: gt-eedsp!baud@gatech.edu

mtoy@xman.SGI.COM (Michael Toy -- The S.G.I. XMAN) (10/21/88)

In article <5181@saturn.ucsc.edu>, (Robert Skinner) writes:
> I'm constructing a general 2d Matrix object for a class I'm now taking
> on matrix computations.  It would be nice if I could
> overload the [] operator  ...

--------------------------- File Matrix.h --------------------------------
// Generic class for 2D matrices of any type with runtime sizing

#define MatrixDeclare(type) \
class MatrixOf/**/type {\
    type* data;\
    int ncols; \
    MatrixOf/**/type() \
	{ data = 0; } \
    MatrixOf/**/type(int rows, int cols) \
	{ ncols = cols; data = new type[rows * cols]; } \
    type* operator[](int row)\
	{ return data + row*ncols; }\
	{ if (data) delete data; }\

#define Matrix(type) MatrixOf/**/type

--------------------------- End File main.c++ --------------------------------

To define a type for a matrix of "FROB"'s, just do:

#include	"Matrix.h"


To get a m by n matrix of FROBS do:

    Matrix(FROB) my_matrix(m, n);

now both "my_frob = my_matrix[2][3]" and "my_matrix[2][3] = my_frob"
should work.
                 From the mixed up files of Mr. Michael C. Toy
Internet: mtoy@SGI.COM              UUCP: {ames,ucbvax,decwrl,sun,parcvax}!mtoy