[comp.lang.c++] Need beta testers for 386 DOS Cfront

mark@intek01.UUCP (Mark McWiggins) (10/22/88)

We need a few beta testers for our port of AT&T C++ to the 386 under DOS.
You should have:

	(1) A DOS-based 386 with at least 640K RAM, though 1 MB or more would be 
		better (this version will address all available memory)

	(2) MetaWare, Microsoft, or Turbo C

	(3) A reasonably-sized body of C++ code

You'll receive free updates of the product as long as we're both in existence.

Reply to this account, or to the phone # below; thanks in advance.

Mark McWiggins			UUCP:		uunet!intek01!mark
DISCLAIMER: I could be wrong.	INTERNET:	intek01!mark@uunet.uu.net
						(206) 455-9935