[comp.lang.c++] C++ considered disenchanting

day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) (10/15/88)

The USENIX C++ Conference is coming up next week.
As the person who instigated the first USENIX C++
Conference/Workshop last year, and, in its early
stages, this conference, I want to tell you why
last June I bowed out of my involvement with the
upcoming conference.  I pulled away from the C++
conferences because I became disenchanted with C++.

I used to be enthusiastic about C++ because it
offered new and wonderful expressive power in the
form of object-oriented programming features with
the implication that by providing these features
as extensions to C, we can easily build on what we
already know and ease into new power.

Sounds nice, but it doesn't seem to work that
way.  C++ continues to amaze me with how hairy and
complex it is.  I want a higher level language that
is easy to read, relieves me of details, and lets
me get on with the problem level.  I don't see C++
answering that desire.

Yes, strongly-typed object orientation seems like
the right direction, but it can be a lot nicer than

 --dave yost

crovella@sunybcs.uucp (Mark Crovella) (10/17/88)

In article <441@grand.UUCP> day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) writes:
>[...]  I pulled away from the C++
>conferences because I became disenchanted with C++.
>[...]  C++ continues to amaze me with how hairy and
>complex it is.  I want a higher level language that
>is easy to read, relieves me of details, and lets
>me get on with the problem level.  I don't see C++
>answering that desire.
>Yes, strongly-typed object orientation seems like
>the right direction, but it can be a lot nicer than
> --dave yost

Dave's observations are on target;  however, I am not sure
that his conclusions necessarily follow.  Our experience with C++
on a medium sized project (5000 lines) is that (a) most of the 
expected benefits of object orientation *do* accrue and
(b) a number of new problems crop up.  These problems are primarily
associated with readability and comprehesibility.  For example:
	1. It can take a while to determine which virtual
	   function will be invoked when the class hierarchy is deep.
	2. Constructor and destructor side-effects can be confusing,
	   e.g., when unrelated to the class itself.
These are minor points, but the overall result seems to be a perception
that the language is a bit "hairy".  

As for Dave's conclusion (i.e., a disassociation between himself and C++),
I think that in large part this may not be the fault of C++, but rather
in the toolset we use and in the orientation we have to programming in C++.
The problems we have had using C++ would be well solved through the use
of a more comprehensive programming environment for the language.

I propose a discussion of the necessary, appropriate, and/or ideal
tools and techniques for C++ programming.
For example, a tool to resolve virtual function scoping dynamically.
A "Flavor Inspector" -- a class examination tool.  An object inspector.
A dynamic debugger which runs C++ interpretively.  etc.

The questions Dave raises are important -- I think it would be interesting 
to hear people's views on them.
Mark Crovella           "Reflect, ponder, excogitate, reply." - J.Joyce
uucp:	  ..!{ames,boulder,decvax,rutgers}!sunybcs!crovella
internet: crovella@cs.buffalo.edu         bitnet: crovella@sunybcs.bitnet

wetter@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (Pierce T. Wetter) (10/18/88)

  What most OOL that I've used desperatly need is an object X-refer, espcially
a graphic one. Even in my own code its often difficult to remember what 
is a subclass of what. That is what makes OO code so difficult to read in
some cases.

ttey@mulga.oz (YEO Tee Thiam Eric) (10/18/88)

in article <2010@cs.Buffalo.EDU>, crovella@sunybcs.uucp (Mark Crovella) says:
> These are minor points, but the overall result seems to be a perception
> that the language is a bit "hairy".  

I agree. I strongly believe that a language should be as simple as
possible for 2 reasons: (a) a compiler/preprocessor can easily be
constructed and possibly proven correct, (b) it is easier to formalise
the semantics of the language and remove ambiguity. In the case of
C++, the syntax of the language is, in my opinion, too complicated.
It is so complex that it has been said that to parse C++ correctly,
a recursive decent parser with an infinite look ahead and some
heuristics is required (I believed it was mentioned in some
documentation for GNU G++).

> As for Dave's conclusion (i.e., a disassociation between himself and C++),
> I think that in large part this may not be the fault of C++, but rather
> in the toolset we use and in the orientation we have to programming in C++.
> The problems we have had using C++ would be well solved through the use
> of a more comprehensive programming environment for the language.
> I propose a discussion of the necessary, appropriate, and/or ideal
> tools and techniques for C++ programming.
> For example, a tool to resolve virtual function scoping dynamically.
> A "Flavor Inspector" -- a class examination tool.  An object inspector.
> A dynamic debugger which runs C++ interpretively.  etc.
> The questions Dave raises are important -- I think it would be interesting 
> to hear people's views on them.

A good programming environment similar to that of Smalltalk would
certainly be nice. (Much feasibility studies need to be done on this
since C++ is a static language compared to Smalltalk.) However, I
generally found that when programming in C++, people tend to be
carried away with object-orientedness of the language; using derived
classes, etc, etc at every opportunity to model things that are better
left as structures.

Object-oriented programming is a paradigm. We are now finding more
and more ways of using this paradigm to model our problems.
C++ helps in acheiving this but it is by no means the best and
only way of programming. I believe that the essence of object-
oriented programming is in choosing what to be modelled as objects
and what to be treated as pure data structure.

						Eric Yeo

jnp@calmasd.GE.COM (John Pantone) (10/18/88)

(Dave Yost) writes:
   >[...]  I pulled away from the C++
   >conferences because I became disenchanted with C++.
   >[...]  C++ continues to amaze me with how hairy and
   >complex it is.
   >[...] Yes, strongly-typed object orientation seems like
   >the right direction, but it can be a lot nicer than

(Mark Crovella) writes:
  >Dave's observations are on target;
  >The questions Dave raises are important -- I think it would be interesting 
  >to hear people's views on them.

Sorry Mark, I can't agree - Dave's comments seem naive to me, not
important. I would absolutely love to have a nickle for each new
programmer who completely missed the point of C and by implication
C++.  The unmatched expressiveness and flexibility of C and C++ are,
at once, their greatest asset and their greatest drawback.  C and its
extension C++ allow for extremely compact and powerful code, while
extracting care and deliberation from the programmer.  Simplified
(read less expressive) syntax and strong (read less flexible) typing
are fine, as far as they go, but they are no "better" and surely are
less powerful than the relatively low-level C and C++ languages.
There is no point in C/C++ bashing - if you can't stand the heat, get
out of the kitchen - there are higher-level languages which will cater
to your needs.

These opinions are solely mine and in no way reflect those of my employer.  
John M. Pantone @ GE/Calma R&D, 9805 Scranton Rd., San Diego, CA 92121
...{ucbvax|decvax}!sdcsvax!calmasd!jnp   jnp@calmasd.GE.COM   GEnie: J.PANTONE

robert@pvab.UUCP (Robert Claeson) (10/19/88)

In article <441@grand.UUCP>, day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) writes:

> Yes, strongly-typed object orientation seems like
> the right direction, but it can be a lot nicer than
> C++.

Funny, I had the same feelings and read Bertrand Meyer's book about
Eiffel. Seems to me like one of the best oo languages available today.
Robert Claeson, ERBE DATA AB, P.O. Box 77, S-175 22 Jarfalla, Sweden
Tel: +46 758-202 50   Fax: +46 758-197 20
Email: robert@pvab.se (soon rclaeson@erbe.se)

halldors@paul.rutgers.edu (Magnus M Halldorsson) (10/19/88)

In article <3006@mulga.oz> ttey@mulga.oz (YEO Tee Thiam Eric) writes:

> In the case of
> C++, the syntax of the language is, in my opinion, too complicated.
> It is so complex that it has been said that to parse C++ correctly,
> a recursive decent parser with an infinite look ahead ...

The syntax of C++ is not *complicated*. It isn't really any more
difficult to understand than plain C, however, it is somewhat harder
to parse. The complexity is in the semantics: No longer func() a
single function, but could refer to any one of zillion, confused by
class hierarchy, inheritance rules and coercions.
  A sixpack of tools to handle such trivia would be useful.


baud@gt-eedsp.UUCP (Kurt Baudendistel) (10/19/88)

In article <3006@mulga.oz> ttey@mulga.oz (YEO Tee Thiam Eric) writes:
>It is so complex that it has been said that to parse C++ correctly,
>a recursive decent parser with an infinite look ahead and some
>heuristics is required (I believed it was mentioned in some
>documentation for GNU G++).

interestingly enough, the g++ documentation states that

	[t]he design of the C++ programming language did not take into
	account the usefulness of being able to specify that language using
	an LALR(1) grammar.  As a resut, in order to correctly parse it,
	one needs a look-ahead lexical analyzer (with infinite lookahead),
	and a recursive descent parser, guided by some good heuristics.

which supports this conjecture. however, the documentation goes on to state

	... in providing such a grammar [LALR(1) as g++ actually does],
	some syntactic forms were lost, most notably old-style C function
	declarations and occasionally function parameters which are
	declared longhand to be pointers to functions are not recognized

the forms that need to be modified are standard c forms, but c++ was designed 
to be c compatible. there's the rub.

with all of this c++ bashing, what
is my alternative (realistically) for a programming langugage that provides
the c++ power of abstraction and the efficiency of c?

Kurt Baudendistel [GRA McClellan]
Georgia Tech, School of Electrical Engineering, Atlanta, GA  30332
USENET: ...!{allegra,hplabs,ihnp4,ulysses}!gatech!gt-eedsp!baud
INTERNET: gt-eedsp!baud@gatech.edu

mjj@acornrc.UUCP (Mick Jordan) (10/20/88)

In article <441@grand.UUCP> day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) writes:
>Sounds nice, but it doesn't seem to work that
>way.  C++ continues to amaze me with how hairy and
>complex it is.  I want a higher level language that
>is easy to read, relieves me of details, and lets
>me get on with the problem level.  I don't see C++
>answering that desire.
>Yes, strongly-typed object orientation seems like
>the right direction, but it can be a lot nicer than
> --dave yost

(To avoid controversy I didn't originally post this here, but in case
Dave is not alone, here is a possible alternative to C++.)

                Modula-3 Announcement

The following (long) message contains the Acknowledgments, Overview 
and References from the Modula-3 Report (hence the copyright notice).
It should provide adequate information on what Modula-3 is and how
it came about.  Copies of the report are available from either DEC
Systems Research Center, 130 Lytton Ave, Palo Alto California 93401
or Olivetti Research Center, 2882 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park
California 94025.  E-mail requests are acceptable to src-reports@decwrl or

Olivetti Research Center is currently doing an exploratory implementation of
the language.  This comprises a compiler front-end, AST-based interpreter
and debugger, and a code-generator which generates C.  This is implemented
in a mixture of Modula-2+, C and IDL and runs on a Sun-3. We expect to
finish this phase in a month or so.  There are no plans for distribution
at present (it would be strictly for evaluation and on an as-is basis)
but we are interested in measuring the level of interest.

--Mick Jordan  (mjj@orc.olivetti.com, mjj@acornrc.uucp)

----------------------------cut here----------------------------------------

       Copyright 1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Ing. C. Olivetti and
       C., SpA.

       This work may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part for
       any commercial purpose.  Permission to photocopy in whole or in part
       without payment of fee is granted for nonprofit educational and
       research purposes provided that all such copies include the
       following:  a notice that such copying is by permission of the
       Systems Research Center of Digital Equipment Corporation in
       Palo Alto, California and the Olivetti Research Center of
       Ing. C. Olivetti and C., SpA in Menlo Park, California;
       an acknowledgment of the authors and individual contributors
       to the work; and all applicable portions of the copyright notice.
       All rights reserved.

       The right to implement or use the Modula-3 language is unrestricted.


   Modula-3 was designed by Luca Cardelli, Jim Donahue, Mick Jordan, Bill
   Kalsow, and Greg Nelson, as a joint project by the Digital Systems
   Research Center and the Olivetti Research Center.

   Paul Rovner made many contributions as a founding member of the design
   committee, but cannot be held responsible for the final product.

   Our starting point was Modula-2+, which was designed by Paul Rovner, Roy
   Levin, John Wick, Andrew Birrell, Butler Lampson, and Garret Swart.  We
   benefited from the ruthlessly complete description of Modula-2+ provided
   in Mary-Claire van Leunen's Modula-2+ User's Manual.

   Niklaus Wirth made valuable suggestions and inspired us with the courage
   to throw things out.  He also designed Modula-2, the starting point of
   our starting point.

   We thank the following people for their helpful feedback:  Bob Ayers,
   Andrew Black, David Chase, Dan Craft, Hans Eberle, John Ellis, Jim
   Horning, Mike Kupfer, Butler Lampson, Lyle Ramshaw, Eric Roberts, Ed
   Satterthwaite, Jorge Stolfi, and Garret Swart.

   This report was written by Lucille Glassman and Greg Nelson, under the
   watchful supervision of the whole committee.

                                 1. Overview

   Modula-3 descends from Mesa [8], Modula-2 [12], Cedar [5], and Modula-2+
    [9, 10].  It also resembles its cousins Object Pascal [11],
   Oberon [13], and Euclid [6].  Since these languages already have more
   raw material than fits comfortably into a readable fifty-page language
   definition, which we were determined to produce, we didn't need to be
   inventive.  On the contrary, we had to leave many good ideas out.

   One of our main goals was to provide safety from unchecked runtime
   errors---forbidden operations that invalidate an invariant of the
   runtime system and lead to an unpredictable computation.

   A classic unchecked runtime error is to free a record to which active
   references remain.  To avoid this danger, Modula-3 follows Cedar,
   Modula-2+, and Oberon by automatically freeing unreachable records.  To
   allow both garbage collection and low-level systems programming,
   Modula-3 provides both traced and untraced references.

   Another well-known unchecked runtime error is to assign to the tag of a
   variant record in a way that subverts the type system.  Distinguishing
   subversive assignments from benign assignments in the language
   definition is error-prone and arbitrary.  The objects and classes first
   introduced by Simula [2] and adopted in Oberon and Object Pascal are
   more general than variant records, and they are safe, so we have
   discarded variant records and adopted objects.  In Modula-3, all objects
   are references.

   Generally the lowest levels of a system cannot be programmed with
   complete safety.  Neither the compiler nor the runtime system can check
   the validity of a bus address for an IO controller, nor can they limit
   the ensuing havoc if it is invalid.  This presents the language designer
   with a dilemma.  If he holds out for safety, then low level code will
   have to be programmed in another language.  But if he adopts unsafe
   features, then his safety guarantee becomes void everywhere.  In this
   area we have followed the lead of Cedar and Modula-2+ by adopting a
   small number of unsafe features that are allowed only in modules that
   are explicitly labeled unsafe.  In a safe module, the compiler
   guarantees the absence of unchecked runtime errors; in an unsafe module,
   it is the programmer's responsibility to avoid them.

   From Mesa and Modula-2 we adopted modules, which are separate program
   units with explicit interfaces, and abstract (or opaque) types, which
   hide the representation of a type from client modules that use the type.
   In Modula-3, as in some implementations of Modula-2, variables with
   opaque types must be references.  If the hidden representation changes
   but the interface remains the same, client modules will not need to be
   reprogrammed, or even recompiled.

   From Modula-2+ we adopted exceptions and threads.

   An exception exits all procedure call levels between the point at which
   it is "raised" and the point at which it is "handled".  Exceptions are a
   good way to handle any runtime error that is not necessarily fatal.  The
   alternative is to use error return codes, but this has the drawback that
   programmers don't consistently test for them.  In the Unix/C world, the
   frequency with which programs omit tests for error returns has become
   something of a standing joke.  Instead of breaking at an error, too many
   programs continue on their unpredictable way.  Raising an exception is a
   better approach, since it will stop the computation unless there is an
   explicit handler for it.

   A thread is a "light-weight process".  The threads interface provides a
   simplified version of the Mesa extensions to Hoare's monitors [1, 3, 7].
   Waiting, signaling, and locking a monitor have Hoare's semantics, but
   the requirement that a monitored data structure be an entire module is
   relaxed: it can be an individual record or any set of variables instead.
   The programmer is responsible for acquiring the appropriate lock before
   accessing the monitored data.

   1.1. Common notions

   A Modula-3 program specifies a computation that acts on a sequence of
   digital components called locations.  A variable is a set of locations
   that represents a mathematical value according to a convention
   determined by the variable's type.  If a value can be represented by
   some variable of type T, then we say that the value is a member of T and
   T contains the value.

   Assignability and type compatibility are defined in terms of a single
   syntactically-specified subtype relation with the property that if T is
   a subtype of U, then every member T is a member of U.

   An identifier is a symbol declared as a name for a variable, type,
   procedure, etc.  The region of the program over which a declaration
   applies is called the scope of the declaration.  Scopes can be nested.
   The meaning of an identifier is determined by the smallest enclosing
   scope in which the identifier is declared.

   An expression specifies a computation that produces a value or variable.
   Every expression has a statically-determined type, which contains every
   value that can be produced by the expression.  In particular, literals
   have types; for example, the type of "6" is INTEGER (not [6..6]).
   Expressions whose values can be determined statically are called
   constant expressions.

   Expressions that produce variables are called designators.  The type of
   a designator is the type of the variable it produces.  A designator is
   writable if it can be used in contexts that require mutable variables
   and readonly otherwise.

   Every expression has a unique type, but a value can be a member of many
   types.  For example, 6 is a member of both [0 .. 9] and INTEGER.  Thus
   the phrase "type of x" means "type of the expression x", while "x is a
   member of T" means "the value of x is a member of T".  But there is one
   case in which one of the types that contain a value is distinguished:
   when a traced reference or object is allocated it is tagged with a type,
   which we call the allocated type of the reference value.

   The type denoted by a type name never changes at runtime, and is usually
   determined at compile time.  But a type name can be opaque in a scope,
   which means that it denotes a reference type with an unknown referent
   type.  A type name that is not opaque is concrete.  A concrete type is
   determined at compile time (except for the referent types of opaque
   types that occur within it).

   Types are distinct until proven identical.  For example, variables with
   types T and U would not be assignable in a scope where T and U are both
   opaque, but would be assignable in any scope where T and U are
   identified with the same concrete type.

   A type is empty if it contains no values.  For example, [1..0] is an
   empty type.  Empty types can be used to build non-empty types (for
   example, SET OF [1..0], which is not empty because it contains the empty
   set).  It is illegal to declare a variable of an empty type.

   A static error is an error that the implementation must detect before
   program execution.  Violations of the language definition are static
   errors unless they are explicitly classified as runtime errors.

   A checked runtime error is an error that the implementation must detect
   and report at runtime.  The method for reporting such errors is
   implementation-dependent.  (If the implementation maps them into
   exceptions, then a program could handle these exceptions and continue.)

   An unchecked runtime error is an error that is not guaranteed to be
   detected, and can cause the subsequent behavior of the computation to be
   arbitrary.  Unchecked runtime errors can occur only in unsafe modules.

   1.2. Required interfaces

   An implementation of Modula-3 must include implementations of the
   interfaces Text, Thread, Word, and Fmt.  The first three provide
   elementary operations on text strings, concurrent threads of control,
   and "words", which represent bit vectors or unsigned integers.  The Fmt
   interface provides procedures for formatting numbers and other data as

   The full name of an entity is the name of its interface followed by a
   dot and its name in that interface.  The principal type in an interface
   is usually named T.  Thus Text.T is the type for text strings, Thread.T
   is the type for threads, and Word.T is the type for words.


   [1]   A.D. Birrell, J.V. Guttag, J.J. Horning, R. Levin.
         Synchronization Primitives for a Multiprocessor:  A Formal
         Operating Systems Review 21(5), November 1987.
         Also published as SRC Research Report 20, August 1987.

   [2]   Graham M. Birtwistle, Ole-Johan Dahl, Bjorn Myhrhaug, and Kristen
         Simula Begin.
         Auerbach, Philadelphia PA, 1973.

   [3]   C.A.R. Hoare.
         Monitors:  An Operating System Structuring Concept.
         Communications of the ACM 17(10), October 1974.

   [4]   Daniel Jackson and Jim Horning.
         The Modula-2+ Text Interface.
         Unpublished manuscript available from Jim Horning at SRC.

   [5]   Butler W. Lampson.
         A Description of the Cedar Language.
         Technical Report CSL-83-15, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
            December 1983.

   [6]   Butler W. Lampson, James J. Horning, Ralph L. London, James
         G. Mitchell, and Gerald J. Popek.
         Report on the Programming Language Euclid.
         Technical Report CSL-81-12, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
            October 1981.

   [7]   Butler W. Lampson and David D. Redell.
         Experience with Processes and Monitors in Mesa.
         Communications of the ACM 23(2), February 1980.

   [8]   James G. Mitchell, William Maybury, and Richard Sweet.
         Mesa Language Manual.
         Technical Report CSL-78-1, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
            February 1978.

   [9]   Paul Rovner, Roy Levin, and John Wick.
         On Extending Modula-2 For Building Large, Integrated Systems.
         Technical Report 3, Digital Systems Research Center, January 1985.

   [10]  Paul Rovner.
         Extending Modula-2 to Build Large, Integrated Systems.
         IEEE Software 3(6), November 1986.

   [11]  Larry Tesler, Apple Computers.
         Object Pascal Report.
         Structured Language World 9(3), 1985.

   [12]  Niklaus Wirth.
         Programming in Modula-2.
         Springer-Verlag, Third Edition, 1985.

   [13]  N. Wirth.
         From Modula to Oberon and The Programming Language Oberon.
         Technical Report 82, Institut fur Informatik, ETH Zurich,
            September 1987.

exodus@mfgfoc.uucp (Greg Onufer) (10/20/88)

From article <535@gt-eedsp.UUCP>, by baud@gt-eedsp.UUCP (Kurt Baudendistel):
> with all of this c++ bashing, what
> is my alternative (realistically) for a programming langugage that provides
> the c++ power of abstraction and the efficiency of c?

I called the original poster to ask him a few questions...  one of them
being the question stated above....

Apparently the answer is Eiffel.  I still have the materials on Eiffel
that I received at Usenix in SF...  Looks good.  Too expensive for me to 
try though.


shankar@hpclscu.HP.COM (Shankar Unni) (10/22/88)

	an LALR(1) grammar.  As a resut, in order to correctly parse it,
	one needs a look-ahead lexical analyzer (with infinite lookahead),
	and a recursive descent parser, guided by some good heuristics.

You don't necessarily need an infinite-lookahead lexical analyzer or
heuristics or anything, if you can do one thing in the lexer: recognize 
typedef names IMMEDIATELY, and use a different token for typedef names.

Right away, you have a grammar which can easily be made LALR(1). The trick
is to do the typedef recognition. This needs some smarts in the parser. A
YACC grammar for C can, for instance, store the names of identifiers in
typedef declarations in some scoped table (naturally, it also has to do
some scope manipulation..), and the lexer can look up an identifier in this
table. The scoping is necessary because typedef names can be overriden by
variable declarations inside nested blocks, and the parser must understand

And this is not necessarily complex or slow. It can be done quite
efficiently if a certain amount of care goes into the design.
Shankar ("do you want fast or correct :-)")

daveb@gonzo.UUCP (Dave Brower) (10/23/88)

In article <328@pvab.UUCP> robert@pvab.UUCP (Robert Claeson) writes:
>Funny, I had the same feelings and read Bertrand Meyer's book about
>Eiffel. Seems to me like one of the best oo languages available today.

With the (possible) exception of Ada, the main thing that gets people to
move towards a new language is the availability of a cheap workable
implementation.  C came with your Unix system, C++ has the cheap site
license and a free G++.

Eiffel, which looks interesting, has one implementation, a real-priced
commericial product.  The same is basically true of Euclid, which 5 years
ago looked as interesting as Modula-2.  Modula-3, for which we've just
seen some propaganda, is also not available.

AT&T did a very smart thing with c++, getting a seed implementation out
cheaply to build a core user base.  Others might take a lesson.


mball@cod.NOSC.MIL (Michael S. Ball) (10/24/88)

In article <Oct.> halldors@paul.rutgers.edu (Magnus M Halldorsson) writes:
>In article <3006@mulga.oz> ttey@mulga.oz (YEO Tee Thiam Eric) writes:
>> It is so complex that it has been said that to parse C++ correctly,
>> a recursive decent parser with an infinite look ahead ...
>The syntax of C++ is not *complicated*. It isn't really any more
>difficult to understand than plain C, however, it is somewhat harder
>to parse. The complexity is in the semantics:...

Let's get a couple of facts straight.

1.  C++ does not require recursive descent (or any other particular technique)
    for parsing.

2.  Parsing does require an indefinite (not infinite) lookahead to resolve
    certain cases.

In my opinion, the cases where confusion may arise are uncommon and do not
appear to cause any great difficulty with the language.  C++ is complex,
but parsing difficulties do not seem to contribute much to that complexity.

Mike Ball
TauMetric Corporation
1094 Cudahy Place, Ste 302
San Diego, CA 92110

shap@polya.Stanford.EDU (Jonathan S. Shapiro) (10/24/88)

In article <1000004@hpclscu.HP.COM> shankar@hpclscu.HP.COM (Shankar Unni) writes:
>You don't necessarily need an infinite-lookahead lexical analyzer or
>heuristics or anything, if you can do one thing in the lexer: recognize 
>typedef names IMMEDIATELY, and use a different token for typedef names.

Unfortunately, there are places where you cannot correctly determine
that a name should be introduced into the typedef table without
infinite lookahead.


bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (10/25/88)

In article <1000004@hpclscu.HP.COM> shankar@hpclscu.HP.COM (Shankar Unni) writes:
<	an LALR(1) grammar.  As a resut, in order to correctly parse it,
<	one needs a look-ahead lexical analyzer (with infinite lookahead),
<	and a recursive descent parser, guided by some good heuristics.
<You don't necessarily need an infinite-lookahead lexical analyzer or
<heuristics or anything, if you can do one thing in the lexer: recognize 
<typedef names IMMEDIATELY, and use a different token for typedef names.

Hmm, try this one:
	int abc()
		return sizeof( int (********p)[5]);
Until the [ is discovered, there are two possible parse trees, one is
an abstract type and the other is a cast to int.

andyk@infmx.UUCP (Andy Kashyap) (10/27/88)

In article <4634@polya.Stanford.EDU> shap@polya.Stanford.EDU (Jonathan S. Shapiro) writes:
 - In article <1000004@hpclscu.HP.COM> shankar@hpclscu.HP.COM (Shankar Unni) writes:
 - >You don't necessarily need an infinite-lookahead lexical analyzer or
 - >heuristics or anything, if you can do one thing in the lexer: recognize 
 - >typedef names IMMEDIATELY, and use a different token for typedef names.
 - Unfortunately, there are places where you cannot correctly determine
 - that a name should be introduced into the typedef table without
 - infinite lookahead.
 - Jon

Furthurmore, if you try to immediately recognize a token in lexer, you
also immediately lose the context ... unless you want to pass lex the
context; but that's what the parser does.

Hmmm, did I just paraphrase Shapiro??

- andy kashyap @ Informix (415) 322-4100 x685

robert@pvab.UUCP (Robert Claeson) (10/30/88)

In article <442@gonzo.UUCP>, daveb@gonzo.UUCP (Dave Brower) writes:

> With the (possible) exception of Ada, the main thing that gets people to
> move towards a new language is the availability of a cheap workable
> implementation.  C came with your Unix system, C++ has the cheap site
> license and a free G++.
> Eiffel, which looks interesting, has one implementation, a real-priced
> commericial product.

Interactive charges a lot of money for the Eiffel compiler and tools.
But there are people out there who are working on other implementations
of Eiffel as well... At least one of them is said to be PD or at least
freely available.
Robert Claeson, ERBE DATA AB, P.O. Box 77, S-175 22 Jarfalla, Sweden
Tel: +46 758-202 50   Fax: +46 758-197 20
EUnet: rclaeson@erbe.se   ARPAnet: rclaeson%erbe.se@uunet.uu.net

bertrand@hub.ucsb.edu (Bertrand Meyer) (10/31/88)

In article <335@pvab.UUCP>, robert@pvab.UUCP (Robert Claeson) writes:

> Interactive charges a lot of money for the Eiffel compiler and tools.

	Just how much money constitutes ``a lot of money'' is a matter of opinion
and you are free to have your own. Just two comments for the record:

1	- Eiffel is a commercial product; its developers have neither the
	resources of a giant corporation nor the government funds which would
	permit them to indulge in dumping. However we believe our prices are
	quite reasonable when compared to other CASE tools and to other
	commercial implementations of object-oriented languages. For academic
	users, cheap licenses are available.

2	- Whatever individual opinions may be, I would hate to let the idea
	that ``Eiffel is great but only rich people can afford it'' become part
	of accepted wisdom. The net is not the appropriate place to post a price
	list but I urge any interested party to get concrete pricing information
	from the appropriate source.

-- Bertrand Meyer

Interactive Software Engineering, 270 Storke Road Suite 7
Goleta CA 93117 - Phone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869

In Europe: Societe des Outils du Logiciel
Centre d'Affaires 3MPP, 4 rue Rene Barthelemy 92120 Montrouge France
Phone (33 - 1) 46 57 13 36 or 42 53 65 82 - Fax (33 - 1) 46 57 01 03

Note: Best E-mail addresses willl soon (Mid-November) be bertrand@eiffel.COM
and eiffel!bertrand@uunet.UU.NET. Current one will still work.