[comp.lang.c++] Objective-C vs C++ now for Actor

jonnyg@umd5.umd.edu (Jon Greenblatt) (11/04/88)

	I have not seen Objective-C but from what I have seen of C++ I
wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. I program with Actor and was
considering C++ because Actor works in such a limited environment right
now. I personly do not like languages with complex criptic syntax that
need a whole news group to help people do trivial manipulations. But
this is realy not a flame of C++, Actor only works on IBM PC's with
MS-WINDOWS and needs so much memory you can't even load a network driver.
I'm going to sit back with my Actor and wait for 1) Actor to be more
widely supported on more machines, 2) a publicaly available language with
source that is at least half as nice as actor, 3) for me to have enough
time to write my own public domain OOPS, or 4) the world to blow up so all
this doesn't matter.

	BTW - Are there any Actor programers out there? If so I would
be willing to host a small mailing list for us. Flames welcome but
mail them to me, spare the net.
