casey@COGNET.UCLA.EDU (11/11/88)
We must be doing something wrong. We probably just don't know how to use C++ (GNU C++) properly. Could some kind soul flame the shit out of us and then point us in the right direction??? Appended to the end of this is a small sample of what we're trying to do with C++ in building a development environment for the Connection Machine. (For the real masochists among you, I've also appended the annotated assembly output (GNU C++ 1.27, VAX 8350, Ultrix 2.2).) It's highly abstracted, but demonstrates two of the problems we've been unable to get past. Both of these are efficiency problems. We *can* get C++ to do the right thing, but shades of Lisp, what a mess!! The code it generates is horrible! I've already described the first problem: the desire to have compile time attributes for objects. Our second problem is more likely just us not doing the right thing. This problem is demonstrated by the CM_int operator+ function below. When the statement ``x = y + z'' is compiled, y + z is computed into the explicit temporary result, result is copied into a compiler generated temporary, and then that is copied into x ... What we'd like to do is define the operator+ something like the following: inline CM_int operator+(CM_int &a, CM_int &b) { if (!this) this = new CM_int(max(a.len, b.len)); if (a.len == b.len && a.len == this->len) CM_s_add_3_1L(this->addr, a.addr, b.addr, a.len); else CM_s_add_3_3L(this->addr, a.addr, b.addr, this->len, a.len, b.len); } where the compiler generate (essentially) three address binary operator streams. E.g. the two sources, and where it wants the result. This would completely eliminate the worthless copies being made in the present code. Note the code to create the compiler temporaries properly via the test ``if (!this) ...'' - the compiler can't possibly know what values to pass to the constructor for the temporary. Also note that if the "len" field were a compile time attribute as we want it to be, the optimizer could pull out all the length comparison conditionals and simply replace them with the correct branch. Casey P.S. Just as a note on the complexity issue that's been running around on the group recently, I would have to say that C++ is not too complex. What you're looking at is the inherit complexity in fully defining a first class object class in the language. Just think of the code in your favorite C compiler to implement the stock set of types and you may get an idea of what I'm talking about. It takes a lot to define all the attributes of how an object class behaves. I think what we'll probably be seeing in the future is programmers writing/implementing classes in libraries, and other programmers simply using those classes much as they already use "int", "char", etc. After all, we rarely object when people put B-tree database libraries together for the use of other people. Even though the code necessary to implement that B-tree library is probably anything but trivial. On the contrary, I object that C++ doesn't bring enough of the power of the compiler out to the class implementor. When a C compiler implements the int, float, char, etc. classes internally, it can attach any amount of compile time attribute information to an object - I can't do that with C++. Likewise, the C compiler has control of how to instantiate temporaries and properly control the data flow without loss of efficiency. But maybe someone will tell us that we're just being foolish and give us a three line fix that does exactly what we need. If not however, I think that C++ still has a ways to go. If we're going to create facilities for creating new first class language classes, let's do it right. Right now I still can't create truly first class object classes - my classes aren't as good as the classes the compiler inheritly implements. -----<>----- class CM_int { private: unsigned int addr; unsigned int len; public: CM_int(unsigned int size); CM_int(CM_int &a); ~CM_int(void); CM_int operator=(CM_int &a); friend CM_int operator+(CM_int &a, CM_int &b); }; inline CM_int::CM_int(unsigned int size) { addr = CM_allocate_heap_field(size); len = size; } inline CM_int::CM_int(CM_int &a) { addr = CM_allocate_heap_field(a.len); len = a.len; CM_s_move_1L(addr, a.addr, len); } inline CM_int::~CM_int(void) { CM_deallocate_heap_field(addr); } inline CM_int CM_int::operator=(CM_int &a) { if (len == a.len) CM_s_move_1L(addr, a.addr, len); else CM_s_move_2L(addr, a.addr, len, a.len); } inline CM_int operator+(CM_int &a, CM_int &b) { int m = max(a.len, b.len); CM_int result(m); if (a.len == b.len) CM_s_add_3_1L(result.addr, a.addr, b.addr, result.len); else CM_s_add_3_3L(result.addr, a.addr, b.addr, result.len, a.len, b.len); return(result); } main() { CM_int x(16), y(32), z(64); x = y+z; } -----<EOF>---- -----<t.s>----- #NO_APP .text .align 1 .globl _main _main: .word 0xfc0 subl2 $48,sp movab -8(fp),r6 // r6 = &x movl $16,r7 pushl r7 calls $1,_CM_allocate_heap_field// CM_allocate_heap_field(16) movl r0,(r6) // x.addr = !! movl r7,4(r6) // x.len = 16 movab -16(fp),r6 // r6 = &y movl $32,r7 pushl r7 calls $1,_CM_allocate_heap_field// CM_allocate_heap_field(32) movl r0,(r6) // y.addr = !! movl r7,4(r6) // y.len = 32 movab -24(fp),r6 // r6 = &z movzbl $64,r7 pushl r7 calls $1,_CM_allocate_heap_field// CM_allocate_heap_field(64) movl r0,(r6) // z.addr = !! movl r7,4(r6) // z.len = 64 movab -8(fp),r10 // r10 = &x movab -16(fp),r9 // r9 = &y movab -24(fp),r8 // r8 = &z movab -40(fp),r1 // r11 = r1 = &<compiler temp> movl r1,r11 pushl 4(r8) // z.len pushl 4(r9) // y.len calls $2,_max movl r0,r6 // r6 is m = max ... movab -48(fp),r7 // r7 = &result pushl r6 calls $1,_CM_allocate_heap_field// CM_allocate_heap_field(m) movl r0,(r7) // result.addr = !! movl r6,4(r7) // result.len = m cmpl 4(r9),4(r8) // y.len == z.len jneq L59 pushl -44(fp) // result.len pushl (r8) // z.addr pushl (r9) // y.addr pushl -48(fp) // result.addr calls $4,_CM_s_add_3_1L jbr L60 L59: pushl 4(r8) // z.len pushl 4(r9) // y.len pushl -44(fp) // result.len pushl (r8) // z.addr pushl (r9) // y.addr pushl -48(fp) // result.addr calls $6,_CM_s_add_3_3L L60: movl r11,r6 // r6 = &<compiler temp> movab -48(fp),r7 // r7 = &result tstl r6 // testing to see if compiler jneq L61 // temp has already been pushl $8 // allocated - it has, so calls $1,___builtin_new // we never call this movl r0,r6 L61: pushl 4(r7) calls $1,_CM_allocate_heap_field// CM_allocate_heap_field(result.len) movl r0,(r6) // <compiler temp>.addr = !! movl 4(r7),4(r6) // <compiler temp>.len = result.len pushl 4(r6) // assign result to compiler temp pushl (r7) pushl (r6) movab _CM_s_move_1L,r6 calls $3,(r6) movab -40(fp),r0 // assign compiler temp to x cmpl 4(r10),4(r0) jneq L70 pushl 4(r10) pushl (r0) pushl (r10) calls $3,(r6) jbr L73 L70: pushl 4(r0) pushl 4(r10) pushl (r0) pushl (r10) calls $4,_CM_s_move_2L L73: pushl -32(fp) // destroy never used CM_int calls $1,_CM_deallocate_heap_field pushl -24(fp) // destroy z calls $1,_CM_deallocate_heap_field pushl -16(fp) // destroy y calls $1,_CM_deallocate_heap_field pushl -8(fp) // destroy x calls $1,_CM_deallocate_heap_field ret // forget to destroy result and // compiler temp -----<EOF t.s>-----
bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (11/12/88)
Giving control to the (library) programmer to the point of controlling temporary variable usage is non-trivial. However, there are ways of using C++ so that temporaries isn't user. Assume a class Matrix for which creation/copying/destruction is so expensive that you'd rather not have temporary variables introduced: f() { Matrix a,b,c; // ... a = b + c; // yuck: temporary used a = a * c; // yuck: temporary used } however: f() { Matrix b,c; // ... Matrix a = b + c; // temporary not used a *= c; // temporary not used } Initialization is typically cheaper than assignment (since the compiler doesn't need to introduce a temporary to protect against aliasing) and *=, +=, etc. is almost always a win for user-defined types.