[comp.lang.c++] Ada/Smalltalk/C++/Coredumps

bob@imspw6.UUCP (Bob Burch) (11/12/88)

From Jan Steinman, Tektronix Inc.:
>Last I changed jobs, I had been doing object-oriented design in Ada, and
>switched to Smalltalk.  About the same time, we got two kittens, so we named
>them Ada and Smalltalk.
>Now my spouse and I are both beginning to get involved with C++, and have
>gotten another kitten.  We named her CoreDump.
   Object Oriented DESIGN is one thing;  want to know how I can tell this
writer has never actually DONE anything serious with Ada?  Simple... you'd
die of old age WAITING for anything serious to get as far as a core dump in
Ada.   Smalltalk?  I guess I'll get interested in Smalltalk when somebody
writes an OS comparable to UNIX in performance, portability, and functionality
in Smalltalk and provides me with a version of Smalltalk with the low-end
power of C.
Ted Holden

jans@tekgvs.GVS.TEK.COM (Jan Steinman) (11/15/88)

<<me, making a wisecrack that...>>
<...bob@imspw6.UUCP (Bob Burch) took seriously>

<<Last I changed jobs, I had been doing object-oriented design in Ada, and 
switched to Smalltalk... we got two kittens, so we named them Ada and 
Smalltalk.  Now... involved with C++, and have...  another kitten.  We named 
her CoreDump.>>

<<...I can tell this writer has never actually DONE anything serious with 

(Please, make personal attacks by email, so that defenses don't have to be made 
in public!)  Bob claims that:

<...you'd die of old age WAITING for... a core dump in Ada...>

and I agree, unless you turn run-time checking off -- it's a FEATURE, not a 
bug!  (Wouldn't you rather die of old age before seeing another core dump?)  It 
seems obvious that he has not used a language that employs any more run-time 
checking than C++.  Unless I'm missing something, you still have to 
specifically implement run-time checking in C++, although if a real, common 
environment existed, it might have something like a BoundedArray class in it.  
(Of course, Real Programmers never allow bad indices to reach their arrays.  
They never take input from the Real World, either. :-)

(Again, flames directly to me by email, real discussions about 
run-time/compile-time trade offs to the newsgroup.)

:::::: Tektronix Computer Research Lab  ---  Experiment Manager Project ::::::
:::::: Jan Steinman N7JDB	Box 500, MS 50-383	(w)503/627-5881 ::::::
:::::: jans@tekcrl.TEK.COM	Beaverton, OR 97077	(h)503/657-7703 ::::::