[comp.lang.c++] Gorlen OOPS class library

min@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV (Kun Chung) (11/15/88)

Does anyone know how I can acquire the Gorlen OOPS class library ?
Please e-mail any information.  Thanks very much.

Other public domain or commercial class library information are also welcome.

Min-Kun Chung (818)354-1426, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Uucp: {sdcrdcf,bellcore,ihnp4}!psivax!jplpro!min
Uucp: jplgodo!chas2!jplpro!min
Arpa: ...jplpro!min@cit-vax.ARPA

render@m.cs.uiuc.edu (11/23/88)

Written  4:19 pm  Nov 14, 1988 by min@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV:
> Does anyone know how I can acquire the Gorlen OOPS class library ?
> Please e-mail any information.  Thanks very much.
> Other public domain or commercial class library information are also welcome.

I would like a copy of this information also.  Thanks.

Hal Render
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
render@a.cs.uiuc.edu           (ARPA)
{seismo,pur-ee}!uiucdcs!render (USENET)

ggreen@cod.NOSC.MIL (George W. Green) (11/23/88)

In article <4800044@m.cs.uiuc.edu> render@m.cs.uiuc.edu writes:
>Written  4:19 pm  Nov 14, 1988 by min@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV:
>> Does anyone know how I can acquire the Gorlen OOPS class library ?
>> Please e-mail any information.  Thanks very much.
>> Other public domain or commercial class library information are also welcome.
>I would like a copy of this information also.  Thanks.

I would like to find this as well. Perhaps someone could post it ...

George Green, ggreen@nosc.mil.UUCP, (619)553-4054

keffer@blake.acs.washington.edu (Thomas Keffer) (11/24/88)

Several comp.lang.c++ readers have asked about where to get Gorlen's
OOPS classes.  I have the latest versions, but haven't gotten around
to fixing the "root" bug in anonymous ftp.  So send me your name &
address, and I'll send you our guest password.

-Tom Keffer
 School of Oceanography; WB-10
 Univ. of Washington
 Seattle, WA 98195