[comp.lang.c++] CC on a Sequent Symmetry

jdn@sbcs.sunysb.edu (John Norden) (11/29/88)

I am trying to use AT&T's C++ (CC) on a Sequent Symmetry.
Sequent C uses type constructs shared and private.  These are
not understood by CC and cause an error.   

This is a sample two lines of code:
		shared int x;
This is the error message:

CC xx.C 
CC  xx.C:
"xx.C", line 1: error: ';' missing after statement or declaration before" 
	type name"
"xx.C", line 1: error:  type expected for shared
2 errors

If shared keyword is removed then it compiles.  Is there anyone that
could suggest a work around to this problem.  Also if any one has insight 
in how types shared and private are declared.  I think the simplest
work around would be to let CC know there is a type shared. 


John D. Norden             | jdn@sbcs.sunysb.edu                      INTERNET
Dept. of Computer Science  | jdn@suny-sb                                 CSNet
SUNY at Stony Brook        | {allegra,philabs,pyramid,research}!sbcs!jdn  UUCP
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400 | (516) 632-7677 or 632-4569                  Voice
John D. Norden             | jdn@sbcs.sunysb.edu                       INTERNET
Dept. of Computer Science  | jdn@suny-sb                                  CSNet
SUNY at Stony Brook        | {allegra,philabs,pyramid,research}!sbcs!jdn   UUCP