[comp.lang.c++] G++ Under 4.0 on SUN 3/160.

gordon@stats.ucl.ac.UK (Gordon Joly Statistics UCL) (12/01/88)

I believe that SunOS 4.0 support exists for g++, but I am not sure to
what level. By which I mean should I be able to compile g++ 1.27 [or
the next realese (1.31?)]  with gcc 1.3[01] on SUN 3/160 or similar
under 4.0? Also, what type of code can be produced (static only)?

Gordon Joly.

P.S. I am mixing g++ 1.27 sources with gcc 1.27 sources,
and am looking forward to the promised merged releases.

Surface mail: Dr. G.C.Joly, Department of Statistical Science,
      University College London, Gower Street, LONDON WC1E 6BT, U.K.
E-mail:  					   | Tel: +44 1 387 7050
 JANET (U.K. network) gordon@uk.ac.ucl.stats       |      extension 3636
       (Arpa/Internet form: gordon@stats.ucl.ac.uk)| FAX: +44 1 387 8057
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        EAN: @ean-relay.ac.uk                      |
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exodus@mfgfoc.uucp (Greg Onufer) (12/02/88)

From article <8812011142.AA23693@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>, by gordon@stats.ucl.ac.UK (Gordon Joly Statistics UCL):
> I believe that SunOS 4.0 support exists for g++, but I am not sure to
> what level. By which I mean should I be able to compile g++ 1.27 [or
> the next realese (1.31?)]  with gcc 1.3[01] on SUN 3/160 or similar
> under 4.0? Also, what type of code can be produced (static only)?

It works just fine on my system (g++-1.27 + gcc-1.27, compiled by gcc-1.28)...
It does produce only statically linked exectuables on my system (It uses
its own linker, anyone care to fix it to create dynamically-linked
executables? :-)


Greg Onufer   //  Focus Semiconductor  //     University of the Pacific
  exodus@cheers.uucp (daver!cheers!exodus@Sun.COM) 	415-965-0604