[comp.lang.c++] OO debugger usage

Jan@ucl-cs.UUCP (12/02/88)

Dear all,

I am conducting an informal survey of "debugger usage within the object
oriented community" as part of a reserach programme. I am particularly
interested in: what tools are used, how often they are used and how useful
they are perceived to be.

I would be very grateful if anyone out there who uses a debugger, *no matter
how obscure*, to help them with OO programming would reply to me (spare the
net please) at the address below. All I need is brief answers (1 line each)
to these questions:-

	i)	What debugging tools do you use?
	ii)	Which company produced these products?
	iii)	How often do you use them (all the time / emergencies only)?
	iv)	What do you think of them?

Many thanks. I shall summarize to the net if the response merits it.

FROM : Jan Andrew Purchase          | Snail:     Room 208, PhD Lab.,
at   : pyr1.cs.ucl.ac.uk	    |            Computer Science Dept.,
			            |		 University College,
				    |		 London, UK.
JANET   : purchase@uk.ac.ucl.cs	    |
ARPANET : purchase@cs.ucl.ac.uk
UUCP	: {... ukc!}ucl.cs!purchase
      (these are my views, and are not necessarily those of UCL)

purchase@ucl-cs.UUCP (12/14/88)

From: Jan Purchase <purchase@uk.ac.ucl.cs>

A while ago I posted this to the net:

>Dear all,

>I am conducting an informal survey of "debugger usage within the object
>oriented community" as part of a reserach programme. I am particularly
>interested in: what tools are used, how often they are used and how useful
>they are perceived to be.

>I would be very grateful if anyone out there who uses a debugger, *no matter
>how obscure*, to help them with OO programming would reply to me (spare the
>net please) at the address below. All I need is brief answers (1 line each)
>to these questions:-
>	i)	What debugging tools do you use?
>	ii)	Which company produced these products?
>	iii)	How often do you use them (all the time / emergencies only)?
>	iv)	What do you think of them?

>Many thanks. I shall summarize to the net if the response merits it.

Initial reponse was good, but may attempts to replay failed becuase of a bug
in a mailor (at my end) that sent my message out with the *wrong* return
address. This was *our* fault, sorry. The bug has been fixed now and I would
be very grateful if anyone who tried to reply and failed, would try again.
If if any doubt please use the return addresses below.

Many  Thanks.

FROM : Jan Andrew Purchase          | Snail:     Room 208, PhD Lab.,
at   : pyr1.cs.ucl.ac.uk	    |            Computer Science Dept.,
			            |		 University College,
				    |		 London, UK.
JANET   : purchase@uk.ac.ucl.cs	    |
ARPANET : purchase@cs.ucl.ac.uk
UUCP	: {... ukc!}ucl.cs!purchase
      (these are my views, and are not necessarily those of UCL)