[comp.lang.c++] Zortech C++, Version 1.6

snguyen@nprdc.arpa (Son Nguyen) (12/20/88)

I recently just purchased Zortech C++, V1.6, compiler.  It seemed to run
pretty good.  However, I ran into a small problem when I tried to compile
and run the following program:

#include <stream.hpp>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

main ()
	int code;
	char str[80];

	while (cin >> code)			{
		case 1:
			. . .
			// Do something.
			. . .
		case 2:
			. . .
			// Do something.
			. . .
		case 3:
			// Quitting option.
			exit (0);

The problem is that when I entered 'a' or any characters; the program halted
and also my MS-DOS 3.3 got screw up.  Therefore, I must reboot up my machine.
I had tried the above model program on the UNIX 4.3BSD C++ compiler.  It just
ignored the invalid numbers or characters (That was what I meant when I first
wrote this program)
If you have the same problem as mine or if you know how to correct it, please
let me know.  


"A man must learn what he has to learn".
E-mail to: snguyen@aegean.nprdc.mil