[comp.lang.c++] C++ on a Mac II

uucibg@sw1e.UUCP (3929] Brian Gilstrap) (12/16/88)

I'm looking for any information regarding implementations of C++ that
will run on a Mac II under the Mac OS.  I know, I know...but I won't 
have Unix for an indeterminate amount of time and I want to do C++
work *now*!

Thanks in advance,
Brian R. Gilstrap                     ...!ames!killer!texbell!sw1e!uucibg
All thoughts and statements are       One Bell Center Rm 17-G-4
my own...my employer wouldn't         St. Louis, MO 63101
even think of thinking them...        (314) 235-3929

beard@ux1.lbl.gov (Patrick C Beard) (12/21/88)

In article <1114@sw1e.UUCP> uucibg@sw1e.UUCP (3929] Brian Gilstrap) writes:
>I'm looking for any information regarding implementations of C++ that
>will run on a Mac II under the Mac OS.  I know, I know...but I won't 
>have Unix for an indeterminate amount of time and I want to do C++
>work *now*!

MPW 3.0 will eventually have a C++ translator available for its C compiler.
The C compiler is pretty good so far (a new one) so I  hope that the translator
will be as good.

Patrick Beard
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory