aka779 (11/05/82)

Number 4 in our long-running series of filksongs comes from Act III,
UP THE CREEK, as performed by the It's NOt Our
Fault Players, of the Circle of Janus SF Club, at INCONJUNCTION I,
in Indianapolis, July 4th Weekend, 1981.

The song following takes place as the heroes and heroine are
steaming up the river toward the fabled Tower,
wherein live the fabled "pros", the members of SFWA (pronounced

The three verses are sung, respectively and respectfully by
Sir Richard Francis Burton, Mark Twain, and Alice Liddell


Copyright 1981, by Dr. Arlan Keith Andrews, Sr.

[tune: What Do the Simple Folk Do, from Camelot]

What do the SFWA folk do
When they look down on me and you?
There's Dickson with his Dorsai
Frank Herbert and his Dunes
Ellison who stays high
Poul Anderson and the runes.
How does Heinlein keep Lazarus Long?
Why was John W. ?Campbell never wrong?
Why do we read critics like Robinson and Knight?
And what's that stuff that Offutt writes at night?
Outta sight!

What do the SFWA folks say
While they are writing for pay?
There's Hensley with his murders
Sandra Meisel and her art
Asimov who knows it all
[all shout:] He's just too damn smart!
Every pro's life must just be a ball
Just look at Frederik Pohl!
And I'll be T. L. Sherrred
Is laughing in his hat
He...gets an E for Effort
...Just for that!
...Just for that!

Why do they get into print?
Does it help in paying the rent?=
I've heard that Larry Niven
Just does it all for fun
And who would pay good money
For what Tucker's done?
Why does Philip Farmer write books?
I think that he does it just for looks:
He does it to be famous
For the glory of his name
And THAT'S why SFWA folk write
For the fame!
For the fame!

[Legen has it that Niven did not like his reference
when it was sung to him at a SFWA party once...]

--Arlan Andrews, Bell labs, Indy.  Nov. 4, 1982, 10:06 PM EST.