[net.sf-lovers] Piers Anthony and Cluster

leei (11/09/82)

	There are, in fact, as many 'Cluster' novels available now
as Xanth books. The three major books in the series are:
	Chaining the Lady
	Kirlian Quest
but, since the completion of the inter-galactic battles waged
in these stories, he has released two further stories from
the same universe:
	Thousandstar - deals with a 'race' for possession of a
		newly discovered Ancient Site.
	Viscous Circle - probably the most reflective of these
		books. This on deals with an alien for whom the
		concept of violence has no meaning.

	If Piers Anthony's style appeals to you at all, I would 
definitely recommend two of his early novels which form a
somewhat contained history:
	Chthon  (He was nominated for the '67 Hugo for this one.)
These have both been recently reprinted in paperback.

				- Lee Iverson