[comp.lang.c++] Need help with graphics tools

thor@stout.ucar.edu (Rich Neitzel) (01/07/89)

We are about to begin work on control programs for airborne and ground
based radars. These consist of realtime systems controlled by a UNIX
(read SUN) system. The user interface will some form of windowing,
preferably based on X11. What we are looking for is some form of
package that will allow us to create the visual part of the system
with relative ease and speed. Further, being a NSF funded project, we
don't have gobs of $$$, so PD or inexspensive packages are our limit.
We have heard of two likely canidates, but have little hard
information on them - indeed we even lack their addresses - real,
email or otherwise! If anyone can provide more information on these or
other likely packages we would greatly appreciate it.

Package 1:
	ET++ - Said to support both SunView and X. Supposedly from the
University of Zurich.

Package 2:
	TAE Plus - From NASA/Goddard Space Center. Said to support SunView.


			Richard Neitzel
			National Center For Atmospheric Research
			Box 3000
			Boulder, CO 80307-3000


    	Torren med sitt skjegg		Thor with the beard
    	lokkar borni under sole-vegg	calls the children to the sunny wall
    	Gjo'i med sitt shinn		Gjo with the pelts
    	jagar borni inn.		chases the children in.


			Richard Neitzel

dietz@zhmti.UUCP (Dieter H. Zebbedies) (01/08/89)

Both ET++ and TAE groups presented papers at OOPSLA'88.  They are both
in the conference proceedings.  This can give you a taste of their

In addition, TAE was presented as one of the demonstrations.

BTW, demos was an experiment at OOPSLA'88 and TAE was one of the
reasons it was a successful one.  (that and Fabrik from Dan Ingals
group at Apple.  What a *great* piece of work!)

Demos might be videotaped at the '89 conference and available for
those that couldn't/didn't catch them at the conference.  (any other

	(OOPSLA'88, '89 demonstrations chairman)
Dieter H. Zebbedies ('dee-ter  ayech  'zeb-ed-eez)
 Zebb-Hoff Mach. Tool's Automated Manufacturing Project, Cleveland, OH.
  (uucp) ..{sun,att,decvax}!cwjcc!zhmti!dietz
  (domain)  dietz%zhmti.uucp@cwjcc.cwru.edu