[comp.lang.c++] Zortech C++ BUG!

ln63wdz@sdcc13.ucsd.EDU (CHRISTINE CHATFIELD) (01/06/89)

A few weeks ago I received my Zortech C++ compiler -- I was very excited!
After installing it, I immediately attempted to compile some work I had
written on the VAX. Things were going well until I got down to compiling
the test driver for my Robin-Hood hashing ADT. 

What I have is a common object and all the user records are derived from
this common object.
The problem arises when I try to compile lines where I'm either doing a
insert or retrieve. The compiler complains that it can't uniquely identify
the object (or something to that effect). 
Note that this code compiled and ran fine on the VAX.

I called Zortech and they said that they could not help without seeing
the code, so I posted the source code on their Bulletin Board.

After waiting for a few days I called them and they still had not looked
at it, but they said that they would call me in a few days. After a few
weeks of no word I called them back and there answer was, "YEPP IT'S a BUG".

It appears that this is a serious, very serious BUG. 
Is this supposedly complete C++ compiler unable to handle one of the 
fundamental aspects of the language? 

Has anyone had any similar problems with inheritance?

I would appreciate some feedback.

                               a VERY disappointed Zortech C++ owner

                                         alann lopes

joel_william_parke@cup.portal.com (01/09/89)

    Hi, well I had similar problems with the C++ compiler from Zortech, even  
very simple operator overloading where two integers formed a vector did not
generate the correct code.
    After my initial disapointment, I attempted to compile a number of the 
example programms from THE C++ book.  Aprox. 10 failed.  Even the complex 
number code from AT&T failed.  They promised me a new bug free version of 
the compiler, but I am still waiting.  ? How can a company distribute a
compiler that doesn't even compile simple C++ constructs?  I consider that
I wasted by money, and infact that they have provided a disservice to the
user community in general.  Many people that do not know C++ and attempt
to learn it from the Zortech code, will be discouraged.  
     The opinions expressed are my own.
	Joel Parke.