[comp.lang.c++] OOPSLA '89 Call for Papers

kentb@Apple.COM (Kent Beck) (01/24/89)

I have been unsuccessful getting the call for participation published
through news.announce.conferences, so here is the portion relevant to
those wishing to submit papers:

OOPSLA'89 topics include:
     o Applications
     o Design
     o Databases
     o User Interfaces
     o Tools and Environments
     o Software Engineering
     o Education
     o Languages
     o Implementation
     o Theory


Technical papers and survey papers are invited in the topics listed and in
closely related areas. Technical papers should describe recent work
relating to a significant problem. Survey papers should provide fresh
approaches to the organization and integration of knowledge.

Papers will be evaluated in two categories: short and long. Short papers
may have content which is specific to a single language or system, while
long papers are expected to make a contribution to object-oriented
programming in general.

Papers will be selected on the basis of originality, the significance of
their contribution to the state of the art, and quality of written
presentation style.

Papers must be written in English and short papers may not exceed 15
standard typewritten double-spaced pages (approximately 3000 words). Long
papers may not exceed 25 standard typewritten double-spaced pages
(approximately 4500 words). A separate cover sheet should include the
title, authors' names, affiliations, addresses (postal and electronic),
telephone numbers, 100-word abstract, number of words in the paper, and a
list of keywords. Authors must also indicate the topic area of the paper,
choosing from among those listed, and the type (short or long). All
accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and
authors will be required to sign an ACM copyright release form. Five copies
of submitted papers with cover sheets must be received by 17 March 1989.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by 15 May 1989 and the final
camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be due on 30 June 1989. Late
papers, papers that exceed 25 pages, and papers that omit the requested
cover sheet information will not be reviewed. Send submissions to:
     Kent Beck
     OOPSLA'89 Program Chair
     Apple Computer, Inc.
     20525 Mariani, MS 42C
     Cupertino, CA  95014 USA
     (408) 974-6027