[comp.lang.c++] Interviews, unimplemented routines

pasche@ethz.UUCP (Stephan Pasche) (01/20/89)

I have tried to use the routines Painter::Read and Painter::Write from
the InterViews library V2.4 for X11. I didn't find out why my program
didn't work, until I had a look at the sourcecode of the library.
There I found the following :

void Painter::Read (
    Canvas* c, void* dst, Coord x1, Coord y1, Coord x2, Coord y2
) {
    /* unimplemented */

void Painter::Write (
    Canvas* c, const void* src, Coord x1, Coord y1, Coord x2, Coord y2
) {
    /* unimplemented */

I don't understand why the authors didn't implemement these routines for X11
(for X10 they did). And I didn't find this documented !!!
Is there a newer version of InterViews where they are implemented ? Or are
they still missing ?

OS/2 & PS/2 : half an operating system for half a computer

Stephan Paschedag           pachedag@strati.ethz.ch  or  pasche@ethz.UUCP
Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Zurich

calder@aurora (Paul Calder) (01/27/89)

In article <741@ethz.UUCP>, pasche@ethz (Stephan Pasche) writes:

    I have tried to use the routines Painter::Read and Painter::Write
    from the InterViews library V2.4 for X11...
    I don't understand why the authors didn't implemement these routines
    for X11...

The short answer is that nobody has felt the need!  The Read and Write
funtions are mainly useful for special purpose applications such as
window dump and undump programs.  The oversight will be fixed in a
future release.

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