[comp.lang.c++] Is this a compiler bug ?

tom@tnosoes.UUCP (Tom Vijlbrief) (01/26/89)

When compiling a file of the OOPS package, G++ (1.32) produced an
errormessage for the following function:


void Time::printOn(ostream& strm)
        register unsigned hh = hour();
#if 1
        ((Date)*this).printOn(strm);	// Error !
        ((Date *)this)->printOn(strm);	// No Error !
        strm << form(" %d:%02d:%02d ",
                (hh <= 12) ? hh : hh-12,
        if (hh < 12) strm << "am";
        else strm << "pm";
In function void Time::printOn (struct ostream &):
Time.c:258: both constructor and type conversion operator apply

The alternative does not produce an error.

Are these two equivalent and is this a compiler bug ?

Tom Vijlbrief
TNO Institute for Perception
P.O. Box 23				Phone: +31 34 63 62 77
3769 ZG  Soesterberg			E-mail: tnosoes!tom@mcvax.cwi.nl
The Netherlands				    or:	uunet!mcvax!tnosoes!tom

diamond@csl.sony.JUNET (Norman Diamond) (01/27/89)

In article <435@tnosoes.UUCP>, tom@tnosoes.UUCP (Tom Vijlbrief) writes:
> When compiling a file of the OOPS package, G++ (1.32) produced an
> errormessage for the following function:
>         ((Date)*this).printOn(strm);    // Error !

When you cast the result of *this, it is like assigning the
result of *this to a temporary variable of type Date.  When
you give a command to a temporary variable and then have no
further use for that variable, you don't accomplish much.

>         ((Date *)this)->printOn(strm);  // No Error !

Aha.  When you have sort of a temporary variable of type
(Date *), it still points to your own instance.  You then
command your own instance to do something, and you get
what you want.
Norman Diamond, Sony Computer Science Lab (diamond%csl.sony.jp@relay.cs.net)
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  If they're also your opinions,   |  re-inventing the wheel, when car
  you're infringing my copyright.  |  manufacturers are praised for it?