[comp.lang.c++] Zortech C++ Flash Graphics query

wgh@ubbpc.UUCP (William G. Hutchison) (02/02/89)

  I have been working on a C++ version of Thomas Gettys' C version of Conway's
Game of Life (published in the last issue of MicroCornucopia). Before everybody
starts jumping, let me assure you that I will post it here as soon as I get
permission from the copyright holder.
  The problem I am having is how to erase the old generation number before
displaying the new generation number.
  I have tried writing it with color FG_BLACK:
	fg_puts(FG_BLACK, FG_MODE_SET, ~0, FG_ROT0, x, y, msg, fg_displaybox)
and I have tried overwriting it with xor of white:
	fg_puts(FG_WHITE, FG_MODE_XOR, ~0, FG_ROT0, x, y, msg, fg_displaybox)
but neither works.  What's the trick?
Bill Hutchison, DP Consultant	rutgers!liberty!burdvax!ubbpc!wgh
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