[comp.lang.c++] networking object library

johnc@beta.lanl.gov (John R Campbell) (01/24/89)

Does anyone know of an object oriented (c++) library to handle networking
applications? At Los Alamos we have a large number of users who would like
to use remote procedure calls, sockets, etc. and it seems as though c++
would be a natural to avoid all of them reinventing the wheel.

pcb@usl.usl.edu (Peter C. Bahrs) (02/03/89)

In article <23267@beta.lanl.gov>, johnc@beta.lanl.gov (John R Campbell) writes:
> Does anyone know of an object oriented (c++) library to handle networking
> applications? At Los Alamos we have a large number of users who would like
> to use remote procedure calls, sockets, etc. and it seems as though c++
> would be a natural to avoid all of them reinventing the wheel.
> johnc@c3.lanl.gov

I am working on a prospectus, should present late spring and finish
in august.  I have 75% finished a ||C++ library for homogeneous and
hetrogeneous computing envts. (NFS Sun 3's and Encore Multimax 6 Processor)
configuration.  Works are under way to include a 32 unit PS/2 70&80
LAN under AIX and X Windows.  

Due to the nature of the product, I could get a PD copy to you at the earliest
late spring.

bae@unisoft.UUCP (Hwa Jin Bae) (02/08/89)

In article <667@usl.usl.edu> pcb@usl.usl.edu (Peter C. Bahrs) writes:
> Does anyone know of an object oriented (c++) library to handle networking
> applications? At Los Alamos we have a large number of users who would like
> to use remote procedure calls, sockets, etc. and it seems as though c++
> would be a natural to avoid all of them reinventing the wheel.

I seem to remember looking at PARPC (Parallel RPC) from University of 
California, San Diego.

It had support for both C and C++ and the RPC language syntax was very much 
like C/C++.  

Hwa Jin Bae
UniSoft Corporation      bae@tis.llnl.gov 
Emeryville, CA.          ...{uunet,ucbvax,hoptoad,lll-lcc,sun,apple}!unisoft!bae