[comp.lang.c++] Problem with member functions as friends

karenc@psu-cs.UUCP (Karen Cunningham) (02/09/89)

I am teaching an object-oriented programming class in which I'm
including a section on c++.  I wanted to show several different
ways of allowing (selected parts of) a derived class access to private
data of the base class.  I succeeded in making several examples work,
but had trouble with one.  I tried to make a member function of the
derived class a friend of the base class.  This seems to be the same
as the example from page 195 in Stroustrup.  I tried to compile that
example (it is included below) on several different c++ compilers
without success.  The message I get occurs at the last line of class
employee and states that class manager is undefined.

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Karen Cunningham

Usenet:       {ucbvax,ihnp4,uunet,hplabs}!tektronix!psu-cs!karenc
CSNET:        karen@cs.pdx.edu
InterNet:     karen%cs.pdx.edu@relay.cs.net                      
USMail:       Karen Cunningham; Computer Science Department; 
              Portland State University; P.O. Box 751; Portland, OR  97207
Phone:        (503) 464-4039

------------------------------Example Follows---------------------------
#include <stream.h>

class manager;

//  This is the example from Stroustrup, page 195.
//  The second example works (making class manager a friend), 
//  however the first example does not work (making function
//  "void manager::print" a friend).
//  I've tried defining a forward reference to manager::print,
//  and then making it a friend to employee that didn't work either.

class employee {
friend void manager::print(); // making this "friend class manager;" works 
	char* name;
	// ...
	employee* next;
	employee(char* s) {name = s;}
	void print()	{cout << " employee name is "<< name << "\n";}
	// ...

class manager : public employee {
	// ...
	manager(char* s) : (s) {;}
	void print();
	// ...

void manager::print()
	cout << " manager name is " << name << "\n";
	// ...

main() {
	manager mgr("Hugh");


mwg@inxsvcs.UUCP (Phil Blecker) (02/12/89)

In article <1623@psu-cs.UUCP>, karenc@psu-cs.UUCP (Karen Cunningham) writes:
> I tried to make a member function of the
> derived class a friend of the base class.  This seems to be the same
> as the example from page 195 in Stroustrup.  I tried to compile that
> example ...
> without success.

I've tried many times to find a way to do that. None of the ports from
AT&T's cfront 1.2.1 seem to handle that. Sure wish they would. I'm tired
of making classes friends of each other and leaving myself notes to fix
it when the compiler accepts the syntax.

Oh, well.
Phil Blecker +1 818 243-3053           none of my ideas belong to me and
uunet!inxsvcs!mwg                      i can't see anything wrong with that