[comp.lang.c++] Test of Zortech C++ Tool Kit

wgh@ubbpc.UUCP (William G. Hutchison) (02/13/89)

  I ordered the Zortech C++ Tool Kit about 10 days ago by phone and got it
last Friday ... it looks like Zortech is getting good at filling orders
promptly (but they still have never sent me any notices about new versions of
their compiler!).

  Here are the results of running the test programs included with the kit:

Tests of Zortech C++ Tool kit by William Hutchison (burdvax!ubbpc!wgh)

Compiler:	Zortech C++ 1.07e
Compilation:	ztc xxxtest cppts.lib (except where noted)
CPU: 		AT&T 6300PLUS (80286)
OS:		Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10

BCDTEST  CPP     4568   2-09-89   7:40p	Fail:
    Fails if compiled small: ztc -b -ms bcdtest cppts.lib (test won't return 0)
    Fails if compiled medium: ztc -b -mm bcdtest cpptm.lib (test won't return 0)
    Succeeds if compiled compact: ztc -b -mc bcdtest cpptc.lib
    Succeeds if compiled large: ztc -b -ml bcdtest cpptl.lib
BINTEST  CPP     3233   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
BVTEST   CPP      448   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
CETEST   CPP     1253   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
DATTEST  CPP      531   2-09-89   7:40p OK.
DIRTEST  CPP      222   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
DLTEST   CPP      894   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
DYNTEST  CPP      434   2-12-89   9:25a	OK. added test for error handler: OK
FNTEST   CPP      777   2-09-89   7:40p	OK, but you must use full path names.
HSHTEST  CPP     2240   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
IVTEST   CPP      532   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
QSTEST   CPP     1060   2-09-89   7:40p OK.
RTCTEST  CPP      637   2-09-89   7:40p	Fail:
   Displays 09:59:00 AM as 00:59:00
   displays 10:00:00 AM as 01:60:00 (for one second only)
   displays 10:00:01 AM as 01:00:01
SETEST   CPP      557   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
SLTEST   CPP     1266   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
TEXTTEST CPP      933   2-09-89   7:40p	OK (remember Alt-X to exit editor!)
TIMTEST  CPP      917   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
VMATEST  CPP      550   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
VMSTEST  CPP     1155   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.
WINTEST  CPP     1500   2-09-89   7:40p	OK.

 Note: these programs are really demos, not tests, since they do not do a
thorough job of testing limiting cases.  However, they are useful.  They would
be more useful if Zortech included sample output of each test so that one 
could see immediately if there was a problem.
Bill Hutchison, DP Consultant	rutgers!liberty!burdvax!ubbpc!wgh
Unisys UNIX Portation Center
P.O. Box 500, M.S. B121         "The unexamined life is not worth living!"
Blue Bell, PA 19424            	  -- Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ

maxsmith@athena.mit.edu (Samuel M Druker) (02/16/89)

	In your C++ Toolkit, the following change should be made:

bcdlow.asm : memtest

	mov	di, p[bp]

<<Should be:>>
	push	ds
	pop	es
	mov 	di, p[bp]

This is a problem in the very first few out.

Samuel Druker