[comp.lang.c++] InterViews and C++ vs g++

chrise@bcsaic.UUCP (Chris Esposito) (02/17/89)

I have g++ but not AT&T's C++.  The g++ README file states that g++ is NOT
perfectly compatible with C++ but does not elaborate on what the differences
are.  The InterViews README file states that it requires C++ and uses a
modified version of `cfront' (patches supplied with InterViews).  Has anyone
tried to compile InterViews with g++?  If so, did it work and what problems
did you have?  If nobody has yet, then I will try it myself and tell whoever
is interested how it went.

 "Take my Worf, please." - Lt. Commander Data (Star Trek: TNG)
Chris Esposito                      | CSNET: chrise@atc.boeing.com
Boeing Advanced Technology Center   | uucp: ...!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!bcsaic!chrise

emeyer@oracle.uucp (Eric Meyer) (02/18/89)

In article <10173@bcsaic.UUCP> chrise@bcsaic.UUCP (Chris Esposito) writes:
>modified version of `cfront' (patches supplied with InterViews).  Has anyone
>tried to compile InterViews with g++?  If so, did it work and what problems

>Chris Esposito                      | CSNET: chrise@atc.boeing.com
>Boeing Advanced Technology Center   | uucp: ...!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!bcsaic!chrise

I have compiled succesfully InterViews with the
patches on prep.ai.mit.edu on some
personnal fix up. I'd like to post diff's
but I don't have the original anymore...

Eric P. Meyer		| PhoneNet: (415) 598 5749, Home: (415) 324 0944
Oracle Corp.		| Internet: emeyer@oracle.com
20 Davis Dr.		|	    oracle!emeyer@uunet.uu.net