[comp.lang.c++] Garbage Collection ... It works

mct@pooh.Philips.Com (Mark C. Tucker) (02/18/89)

In article <DLD.89Feb13183030@F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU> dld@F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (David Detlefs) writes:
>Boehm & Weiser: "Garbage Collection in an Uncooperative Environment"
>Software Practice & Experience, September 88
>Caplinger: "A Memory Allocator with Garbage Collection for C"
>Winter 88 Usenix

	I have been using Boehm's system, and feel that it
provides usable garbage collection to C programmers.  You don't
have to worry about reference counting normally shared things
like strings, tree nodes, ....  That is, it will reclaim storage
for things that are like heap allocated C-structs when they
become unreachable.  However, it will probably have a performance
problem if you build a Lisp/Smalltalk-like application that uses
a very long lived and huge `workspace'; Those applications
require generation scavenging for performance, and probably
depend on 'safety' features (bounds and pointer checking) not
present in C or C++ to prevent programs from corrupting the
(precious) workspace.  But, as I said, Boehm's system free's you
from everyday storage management considerations, and this I
consider a great relief.

	I modified their system so that you can allocate `typed
objects'.  Typed objects supply a scan function (which knows
exactly where to look for pointers inside instances) and,
optionally, a delete-function (which is called just before sweep
puts the instance on the free list.)  Scan-functions enable heap
resident structures to be scanned more quickly. Recall, Boehm'
and Caplinger's techniques rely on very carefully inspecting
every 32bit bitpattern (starting every 16bits on a Sun), to see
if it might possibly be a pointer. The scan function for a type
knows exactly which bits are pointers, and avoids this
conservative scan through the bits of a value.  The
delete-function can be used to finalize objects.  One use is for
garbage collected files: when your FileObject is no longer
accessible, its delete-function can close the file, then let
sweep reclaim the storage for the FileObject.   

		*** With regard to C++ delete~ members: 

	My delete-function will not be called for instances
allocated on the stack, and you are not guaranteed when the
delete function will be called.  C++ will call delete~ on locals
before a function returns, and the programmer can depend on it
(except, in the case of longjumps!!).  But in my case, a spurious
bit pattern might cause some object to be retained, and it might
never be swept, so the programmer cannot count on the
delete-function being called at any particular time.

		*** Plea from C++/front writers

	Here, I would put in a plea to C++ writers to build a
table of [function_entry_point,entry_point_of_cleanup_code]
pairs.  Then, when we implement exceptions by a threaded stack of
cleanup blocks, we can unwind the call stack, and invoke the
cleanup routines for intervening stackframes.

	You can get Boehm's code from the Rice Archive server.  I
just sent a message to archive-server@titan.rice.edu with subject
"send index" (no quotes), and the server will send you
instructions on how to retrieve the files.  The garbage collector
is filed with SUN-specific code, even though it works for VAX and

Mark Tucker			Philips Laboratories
(914) 945-6361			345 Scarborough Road
mct@philabs.philips.com		Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510